Service user experience
Aim: By December 2018, improve patients satisfaction with the information they receive in the GRI ED to a mean score of 4.8 out of 5.
We aimed to ensure that by October 2018, 50% of feedback received from young people with cystic fibrosis in the RHC would be used towards improvement.
By November 2018, ensure that 70% of complaint responses in a sub group of the Surgical Division, Raigmore Hospital include an identifiable action or improvement
To reduce the time a patient waits between their appointed clinic time and the actual time they are seen by 30% by June 2018
Aim: By February 2019 we will increase the involvement* of service users (open to the Adult Protection Gateway Team) in the Safeguarding process by 30%. *Involvement defined as service users views and wishes being captured during assessment and...
Aim: By December 2018 all appropriate ICU patients should be offered a patient diary to help reduce post traumatic stress and psychological issues following an ICU stay.
Aim: By March 2019 we will improve the experience of patients, their carers and staff in Prospectbank. We will reduce the incidence of stress and distress of the people we care for through a range of evidence based approaches.
Aim: By 31st March 2019 the Advice Centre will provide a benefit check for 10 patients per month from the Stroke Unit in line with Fairer Scotland (2016)
Aim: 50% of preschool children accepted for both Speech & Language Therapy and Paediatrician assessment in West Edinburgh will be seen at a joint assessment clinic by June 2019.
Aim: To increase and improve the level of Frailty screening in those over 65 who attend as unscheduled care patients at UHW, from approximately 25% to 50% of the attending population, by the end of July 2019.
AIM: By June 2019 90% of children and young people will receive appropriate support within 18 weeks of an enquiry or request being made to Highland Council Allied Health Professionals (AHPs).
Aim: 95% of eligible patients experience the Welcome Recovery approach during their perioperative journey by May 2019.
Aim: 95% of all new referrals within a CHAS pilot nursing caseload will be offered a Children's Anticipatory Care Plan (CAP) by June 2019.
To increase the % of Carers Assessments completed from 0% to 20% of the total offered in the Southern Health Social Care Trust Tier 3 Community Addiction Service by December 2019.
Aim: Increase service user involvement in Residential Therapeutic Care Planning from 0% to 50% in Marmion Children's Home by December 2020.
Gather reliable and detailed views from young people about their wishes, hopes and views to inform decision making meetings.
By December 2019 25% of the parents of children attending Step 2 CAMHS will participate in a workshop facilitated by Primary Mental Health Workers within 6 weeks of initial assessment.
At least 80% of young people in WHSCT's 6 children's homes will have their communication needs assessed by end December 2019.
Aim is to increase the % of Council Housing tenants who can engage electronically with Aberdeen City Council as a landlord to 80%
By January 2020 there will be an increase of 10% in the number of pupils in Craigie High School who give a rating of ‘agree’ to questions relating to their views being listened to, and acted on, within the context of ‘Learner Participation in...
To increase complaints early telephone contact calls (within 5 days) from 38.2% to 90% by February 2020 within Medicine 2 Division of the Acute Sector, NHS Grampian.
100% of all Asset TransferRequests and Participation Requests, in Aberdeen City through to a satisfactory conclusion by December 2020.
The project aims to improve “Joy in Work” on Drum ward by 10% by January 2020.
90% of adverse events reported by Domestic Services staff will be reported directly onto Datix, without the completion of a paper form and transcription, by June 2020
Improving the Efficiency of a Trakcare Upgrade Implementation
By January 2020, 10% of residents within a care home in Aberdeenshire will be participating in lifestyle choices (activities) which include learning opportunities as part of the care homes lifestyle programme
By January 2020, 80% of all patients and families will be offered the opportunity to feedback on the care received within the children’s day surgery unit.
By December 2019, 50% of patients screened at their Orthopaedic outpatient appointment in Perth Royal Infirmary (PRI) as low risk for anaesthetic for minor and intermediate surgical interventions will have their Pre-assessment Clinic (PAC)...
Inverness Airport’s overall 2018/19 accessibility scoring of Good (awarded as part of CAA Metrics of scoring all UK airports over 150,000 passengers) will increase (25%) to the highest grading of Very Good by 28 February 2020, in order that...
By December 2019, 95% of patients within the cardiac service will experience a complete and timely nursing handover of care when stepping down from intensive care to the cardiac ward.
To reduce average completion of the complaint handling process from 15 days to under 10 working days by January 2020. To increase satisfaction rates to being above 80% consistently by January 2020.
By February 2020, 75% of new patients who are able, and prescribed Sodium Hyaluronate will self-manage their own intravesical therapy for interstitial cystitis.
By March 2020 there will be a 25% increase in the number of patient experience stories gathered using the Care Opinion Picture Stories tool from patients with a diagnosis of dementia, delirium or cognitive impairment in a community hospital ward....
By March 2020, we aim to triple the number of patients that are referred to the Lanarkshire Falls Team by the SAS each month (currently 1 per week).
By March 2020, we aim to improve the experience of 100% of Children and Young people of nursery and secondary school age attending Children’s Hearings within West Lothian by helping them to engage better before, during and after the Hearing by...
Reducing the number of cancelled journeys for patients in Lanarkshire
Using Quality Improvement methodology to support the introduction, and sustained use, of digital devices in care homes for older people.
Listening to the patient voice
Improving women's experience of back pain, during induction of labour, within the Inpatient Ward at Ayrshire Maternity Unit.
Person Centred Care Planning in Mid Argyll Community Hospital and Integrated Care Centre
‘I’m lost…can you help?’
Implementing complaint statements to support learning and reflection from staff involved
Delivering Occupational Therapy Falls Intervention within an Acute Hospital
Vaccination Service Call Handling
Improving access to services for people experiencing homelessness who use alcohol and drugs
“Keeping in touch” Person-Centred Visiting & Communication
Understand and improve your system and Retain staff!
Supporting primary teachers in providing the full L2 (French) entitlement.
By November 2022 75% of assessments by Health Visitors in Team 2 Northeast Locality of Glasgow City HSCP will include meaningful views from parents and included in their analysis and next steps. There are 18 Health Visitors and practice is...
BRIDGING THE GAP - improving the pathway between NHS and 3rd sector services supporting rehabilitation and physical activity
Across the Care Inspectorate (CI) by 50% by Oct22 Innes Turner, Senior Improvement Advisor
Does a Self Assessment Reporting template help Health and Care services confidently report on their progress towards embedding principles and duties of safer staffing legislation?
Introducing a consistent person-centered approach to improving patient experience of the MDT meeting
Supporting the shaping and development of a local Prehabilitation Programme
How a Quality Improvement approach created the foundation for the national scale up and spread of Video Group Sessions