The Digital and Data Pathway consists of four pathway levels; Explore, Embed, Drive and Shape. Each pathway level has a number of steps which contain links to resources and suggested activities to help you reflect on what you have learnt.
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The Digital and Data Pathway is intended to help you as an individual build your understanding of the role of digital in health and social care.
By working through the pathway you will be challenged to think about what you know and your understanding of working with a digital mindset.
The Explore pathway is for everyone working in health and social care, irrespective of role. Explore introduces the fundamental concepts that underpin successful digital service delivery and transformative ways of working.
The Embed pathway is for anyone who is responsible for managing or supporting others (e.g. supervisors, team leaders, first level managers), or anyone aspiring to develop their knowledge beyond the Explore pathway. This pathway builds on the themes introduced in Explore. It encourages consideration of how these concepts can be embedded across day-to-day tasks, teams and services, and introduces new ideas.
The Drive pathway is for anyone involved in leading and influencing change across services and organisations (e.g. senior managers, service or programme leads). By developing the content in Embed, this pathway focuses on how the concepts can be threaded through ways of working to drive cultural change in organisations.
The Shape pathway is for anyone responsible for making strategic decisions or leading organisations at a local, regional or national level (e.g. policy-makers, board-level leaders, chief executives, business owners, directors). This pathway encapsulates the insights from Explore, Embed and Drive. It encourages consideration of how these ideas can be used to shape decisions and actions to have significant, positive impact for the sector.
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