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Embed introduces new ideas and builds on the themes covered in the Explore pathway by encouraging consideration of how the concepts raised can be embedded across day-to-day tasks, teams and services. This pathway is for everyone, but especially for anyone who is responsible for managing or supporting others (e.g. supervisors, team leaders, first level managers), or anyone aspiring to develop their knowledge beyond the Explore pathway.

If you aren't sure you understand any of the content, jump back to the Explore pathway and use the resources there to develop your knowledge before carrying on.

Step 1 – Definitions of Digital

"Digital" can mean a lot of different things. Catalyst have produced a guide (linked below) which gives clear definitions of 9 key digital concepts that you may come across, using the example of a café to help explain the terms. The guide has been developed for the voluntary sector but applies equally to any type of organisation. Follow the link and read through the guide:

Wooden dice with black question marks on every side sat on a wooden table
Having read through the guide, think about how you would answer the You might be asking… questions for each definition:
  • How do these ideas and themes relate to the day-to-day tasks of you and your team?
  • Do you think your team and own organisation has all of the required Key Assets in place? If not, how can you find out more about this within your own organisation?
Think about how you would explain the digital ideas described in the guide to your team members or colleagues. Use the You might be asking… questions to have wider discussions within your own organisation.
Step 2 – Digital Transformation
To start thinking about digital transformation, consider how you think it applies to health and social care. What does digital transformation mean for health and social care services ?

Building on Catalyst’s definition of Digital Transformation in Step 1, Stephen Gallagher, former Director of Digital Health and Care at Scottish Government, describes Digital Transformation as it applies to health and social care in the short video (3m 19s) on the right:


Having watched the video, reflect on the following:

  • Has this changed your understanding of digital transformation in health and social care? 
  • How do you think the benefits of digital transformation could be embedded within your team and own organisation? What difference could this make to citizens and staff?
Step 3 - Effective Collaboration

One of the key elements of successful digital transformation is effective collaboration which involves understanding people and working well together.

What do you already know about how those around you feel about digital ways of working? Consider whether your colleagues feel excited and empowered, or if they have any reservations or concerns.
Photograph of five people gathered around a laptop
Without understanding each other better we can find it difficult to work together to achieve digital transformation goals. Read this online blog post to learn about the benefits of collaboration:

What stood out most for you in the blog post?

To embed collaborative ways of working, organisations and their staff need to build and strengthen their relationships and trust. The blog suggests doing this by creating space, reducing anxiety, ensuring equal participation and enabling problems to be more deeply understood. 
  • How well do you already do this when discussing digital changes with your wider team?

Think of an upcoming or ongoing digital change where you could use this approach. Plan how you will do this and what practical steps you could take to embrace collaborative ways of working. 

Step 4 – Introduction to Digital Leadership

To successfully embed digital transformation and build collaborative ways of working, organisations need effective digital leaders.


What do you think a digital leader is? 

Check your understanding against the definition of Digital Leadership in the Step 1 Definitions of Digital guide above.

A collection of 9 lightbulbs, two of which are lit, resting on a wooden surface
Now you know that digital leadership applies to everybody, read through all of the text (watching the videos is optional) in this Sway: 
Photograph of a woman wearing a yellow jumper and three people sat at a table behind her
To reflect on your own skills, go back to the Attributes of a Digital Leader cards in the Sway and think about the following:
  • Which of these attributes and skills do you feel you already have, and which would you be most keen to develop? 
  • What opportunities are open to you to develop these attributes and skills? 
  • What could you do to open up more development opportunities for yourself?
Jump back to the Steps to Becoming a Digital Leader section in the Sway. Read through it again and try to set yourself at least two actions based on these recommendations. Record these and measure your progress against them over time.
Step 5 – Digital Inclusion

When thinking about digital transformation and collaboration, we need to consider digital inclusion and how organisational decisions can affect staff, citizens and service users.

To build on your knowledge of digital inclusion, read the From Pillars to Practice paper which covers digital inclusion from a health and social care perspective:

Reflecting on what you have read:

  • Has anything in the paper made you think differently about digital inclusion?
  • Which of the pillars stood out as being most relevant for your role and your organisation?
Photograph of six people arranging cogs on a wooden table
For each of the pillars covered in the paper, reflect on the As part of the workforce I need… statements. Do you feel you and your colleagues have what is needed as described in each of the statements?
  • If not, what do you think you could do to improve this situation?
  • If yes, are you confident that others in your team or organisation feel the same way, and what could you do to help if they don’t?
Plan out some actions that you can take, note them down and keep track of your progress. 
What next?

You have now completed the Embed pathway. 


Graphic of envelope with an @ sign coming out of it

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