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This framework applies to everyone working in health and social care in Scotland (NHS, Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Social Work, Social Care, Care and Support Providers, Housing, Third and Independent Sectors), including managers, leaders, and those in strategic positions. To find out more, have a look at the Introduction section on the Digital and Data Capability Framework landing page.
Use the Self-Assessment Tool to receive an emailed record of your current capability levels, along with links to appropriate learning resources for the levels you have selected. Or, you can fill in the Digital and Data Capability Framework - Personal Record as you work through the framework online.
You can use this framework without telling your manager, team leader or colleagues. However we do recommend that you talk about the framework in one-to-one discussions and at team meetings, using these to share what you have learned, highlight areas identified for improvement, and plan learning opportunities. We suggest that you always discuss the framework as part of your personal development conversations and when planning your future learning needs.
The framework is not available in a downloadable format. This is to avoid the circulation of outdated versions as the framework will change when the content is reviewed and updated regularly.
You can use the Self-Assessment Tool to receive an emailed record of your current capability levels, or you can keep a note of this using the Digital and Data Capability Framework - Personal Record as you work through the framework online.
Yes, please use the feedback form that is available on the Feedback and Next Steps page.
The Digital Health and Care Strategy for Scotland sets out a clear vision to “improve the care and wellbeing of people in Scotland by making best use of digital technologies in the design and delivery of services”. To achieve this, everyone across the health and social care workforce must “feel confident in their use of digital technology, in order to improve the delivery of care” knowing when, why and how to use digital to maximise health and social care outcomes and improve service delivery. NHS Education for Scotland were commissioned by Scottish Government and COSLA to develop this framework to help deliver on these commitments by supporting the development of the digital skills, knowledge and behaviours that are essential for the health and social care workforce.
It is up to organisations to determine how best to use the framework and accompanying self-assessment tool to support staff and embed digital upskilling. Leaders must take responsibility for deciding how they expect staff to use the framework. These decisions must be communicated to staff and incorporated into local processes, for example, as part of personal and team development conversations. You can find more information on the Taking Action from the Framework page.
Yes, the Digital and Data Capability Framework is licenced under a Creative Commons License. See the Acknowledgements and Licensing page for details.
If you haven't found the information you are looking for, get in touch via the Feedback and Next Steps page.
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