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Discover what it means to be an effective digital leader and how you can build your skillset to lead successfully in a digital world.

Less than 30 minutes
Skills for Care

How digital ready is your organisation?

Format: Online tool

Duration: Up to 10 minutes

Audience: Leaders in Care

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: Skills for Care have worked in partnership with Digital Social Care to develop a digital self-assessment tool. Once completed you’ll receive an email report based on your responses, including tailored ‘top tips’ and resources to help you progress.

User rating: 4/5 (based on 1 review)



Good practice principles to support the digital wellbeing of your students and staff - briefing paper for senior leaders

Format: PDF document

Duration: 10 to 15 minutes

Audience: Leaders/Managers

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: This briefing paper for senior leaders outlines good practice principles to support the digital wellbeing of your students and staff. It explores the key issues and responsibilities and sets out eight good practice principles that organisations can adopt.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.

Between 30 minutes and 1 hour

What is a digital leader?

Format: Video

Duration: 42 minutes

Audience: Beginner/Intermediate

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: This interactive webinar will explore your understanding of digital leadership.  You will hear from a range of individuals working across health and care who consider themselves to be digital leaders.  You will also find out how you might increase your own skills and knowledge to lead in a digital world.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.



Digital leadership webinar series

Format: Recorded webinars

Duration: Various

Audience: Beginner/Intermediate

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: The Digital Leadership Webinar Series is open to all roles and levels across health and social care with an interest in the subject. Webinars cover a range of different topics.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.



Leading in the digital age resources

Format: Various

Duration: Various

Audience: Board-level leaders

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: Resources for board-level leaders to support understanding and knowledge for leading in the digital age.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.



If I knew then what I know now...a short guide to introducing new technology in adult social care

Format: PDF document

Duration: Up to 1 hour

Audience: Managers/Leaders in Adult Social Care

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: This booklet is for decision makers who are considering using technology in social care. It contains a series of prompts and questions to help you avoid common pitfalls, and think through key issues when selecting, planning for, implementing and evaluating technology. 

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.

More than 1 hour

Digital mindset session for board members

Format: Recorded video and live session

Duration: 4 hours in total (1 hour video and 3 hour live session)

Audience: Board-level leaders

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: The Digital Mindset Session for Board Members is an introduction to the concept of digital as a user-centred, collaborative way of working and technology as just an enabler. Its purpose is to build an understanding of the mindset which underpins successful digital transformation. The offer includes a recorded and a live session with a mixed group of board members from various health and care organisations.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.


Skills for Care

Becoming a ‘digital’ social care organisation: a guide for managers and leaders

Format: PDF document

Duration: Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes

Audience: Leaders in Care

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: A guide containing practical advice from care providers who've already undergone digital change, designed to help you introduce digital technology into your care business - whether it’s domiciliary, residential or nursing care.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.



Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (DLP)

The Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (DLP) aims to maximise the potential of digital solutions to benefit people.

The programme supports participants to develop the strategic leadership skills required to influence the use of digital solutions in health and social care delivery.


Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland [PGCert, PGDip, MSc]

This postgraduate programme will enhance the ability of current and future leaders to drive, deliver and embed digital transformation across Scotland’s health and care services. Targeted at individuals who are operating within a context or role where they are required to drive and implement practical digital transformational change within their organisation or system. 

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