Digital Mindset Session for Board Members

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Digital Mindset Session for Board Members

Part 1 Outline

Part 1 is a pre-recorded video which can be accessed here.                                  

We live in a world where data and digital technologies are transforming every element of our nation and our lives. Part 1 is an introduction to what it means to be a leader in the digital age. One of the key messages we hope you will take away from this is that digital is primarily a collaborative way of working with other people and technology is simply an enabler. 

You will hear the thoughts of those charged with leading our health and care services and the digital agenda. The content will also look at:

  • What is a digital mindset?
  • Case studies of user-centred transformation
  • Introduction to Scottish Approach to Service Design
Part 2 Outline

Part 2 is a live, interactive, online session led by an expert facilitator using MS Teams. To book for your Board, please contact

teams call

This session will build on the concepts covered in Part 1, exploring in more depth digital as a way of thinking and working and how this fits with your role as an agent for change. During the session you will be immersed into the language of service design so that you can better understand how this underpins all digital ways of working.

The content will look at:

  • Recap and discussion of learning from Part 1
  • Understanding the Scottish Approach to Service Design, from identifying service improvements to reaching solutions and an introduction to prototyping
  • What a digitally enabled organisation looks like
  • Questions for Boards