ScIL Cohort 6
90% declaration rates for ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability and religion/belief by core staff working in a division of the Scottish Government, by May 2017.
By May 2017, in Nithsdale locality, Dumfries & Galloway, where there has been a request for Assistance received from the midwife, 75% of families will engage in Pre Birth Vulnerability Protocol pathway.
60% of eligible families in Orkney will be in receipt of Healthy Start vouchers by end March 2017 - 7% points increase compared to September 2016 (53%) - circa 5 families.
By 28th February 2017 there will be a 10% increase and by 31st August 2017 there will be a 25% increase in AHP staff scoring a seven or more on the feedback scale reporting that they feel supported and confident in continuing on the journey to...
By June 2017, 70% of children who attended the Sunshine Group for targeted nurture support will have improved social and emotional competencies.
To ensure that 100% of patients have the resuscitation decision and medicines reconciliation section of the medical admission completed within 4 hours of admission to the unit by June 2017.
Introduction of a pre-hospital Sepsis pathway in Glasgow
By May 2017, 16 teachers involved in building learning power training score their confidence and their skill at 8 and above on a scale of 1-10.
To reduce the rate of non-indicated mid-stream urine (MSU) samples sent from the Emergency Department (ED) at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE) by 25% by 31st March 2017.
By April 2017 there will be a 25% reduction in length of stay in the orthopaedic trauma ward.
Increase attendance of pre-op education to 60% by development of a virtual class.
By 30 June 2017, 100% of all preschool children attending Craigneuk Family Learning Centre will have received 560 hours of preschool education.
Reduce omitted medication in ward 107 in The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE) by 20% by June 2017.
Increase the rate of referrals sent in prior to the Early Years Multi-Agency meeting from 0% - 90% by April 2017.
To improve the efficiency of the Out of Hours District Nursing Coordinator, there will be 100% reduction in the amount of time the OOH Coordinator will spend on the professional line transcribing telephone messages by the end of October 2017.
By March 2017, reduce by 50% the number of orthopaedic patients being admitted into Ward 9 of the Borders General Hospital the day before elective surgery.
By May 2017, Team A report 76% satisfaction with a personal outcomes evaluation tool.
All patients travelling by ambulance with the Scottish Ambulance Service for 2 hours or more will be risk assessed/managed to reduce the risk of skin damage associated with pressure at a selected pilot site in North Region (Highland) by May 2017.
By December 2017 increase the 10% the number of tenancy ready applicants who are passed to the Internal Resettlement Team (IRT) within 28 days.
By May 2017, 95% of patients with Jura Ward, within 72 hours of admission, will have a person centred physical health car plan (PHCP) which details healthcare interventions to support and address their physical health needs.
By the end of October 2017, 80% of all looked after and accommodated children in Midlothian will have undertaken life story work to help them gain an understanding of why they no longer live with their birth parents. For children who are placed...
To improve the understanding of Customer Engagement and Development's (CEADs) role and services within NSS's Clinical Directorate by the end of June 2017, from 37.5% to 75%.
By 14th April 2017 we will schedule and complete two patient interviews per week, to reach a total of 14 patient interviews, achieving a 250% increase in engagement.
90% of patients who had an inpatient stay of 48 hours or more on Ward 7 Monklands Hospital will report a positive experience of care by May 2017.
95% of referrals for escalated treatment for a foot and ankle problem will follow the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Foot and Ankle Pathway by April 2017.
By May 2017, 90% of the Focus on Dementia team will report that they are well informed about all team activities.
By 31st May 2017, 95% individuals over 65 years, conveyed by SAS to BGH will be screened for Frailty.
95% reliability with SICPs delivery within Ward 3A Raigmore Hospital, NHS Highland, by December 2017