ScIL Cohort 5
Older people living in Care Homes are 3 times more likely than their community dwelling peers to fall and 10 times more likely to sustain a serious injury as a result 1. The multifactorial nature of falls dictates the need for a person centred...
To work with on GP practice to develop and test a pathway for 5 postnatal women with a BMI >30, to engage with the Lifestyle Advisor Support Service (LASS) for weight management by 31st December 2016.
Aim: To improve the confidence levels of social workers in the Easterhouse (Glasgow) team by 10% in writing and presenting reports to Children's Hearings by 28th February 2017.
There will be a 10% increase in patient discharges on or before their estimated date of discharge from Balfour Hospital by December 2016
Project aim: By improving the medication supply process, 50% on non-complex Gynaecology ward patients will have discharge medication available by 12 noon on the day of discharge by December 2016.
Aim - To improve access to services for people requiring community rehabilitation by having 95% of referrals for community rehabilitation (intermediate care, physiotherapy and occupational therapy) within South Ayrshire through a single point of...
Aim: By December 2016 achieve a reduction of 50% in the amount of GP time spent issuing special prescriptions.
Reduce all incidences of falls by 25% in St Michael's Hospital by December 2016
Aim - 95% of known palliative patients will be offered an opportunity to discuss their prognosis and preference for care in one community team from mid May 2016 for 6 months.
Aim: 50% of deteriorating patients will have evidence of a structured response by December 2016 in a surgical ward at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Aims: In one Acute Medicine of the Elderly Ward (Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Ward 202): a) To improve the documentation of a delirium diagnosis (in the unitary patient notes) to 75% by August 2016 b) To improve the communication of delirium on...
Aim: by February 2017 there will be a 60% reduction in omitted drugs in 3 West; drug charts should have a signature or code inserted for all prescribed drugs
The aim of the project is to identify contributory factors to inform improvement plans for 100% of all falls with serious harm in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE) by December 2016.
The Integrated Children's services Leadership team in Aberdeen recognized the need for implementing a system for Quality Improvement Methodology.
Aim: By January 2017, within Chief Nursing Officers Directorate, staff time spent on policy development will increase by at least 20% whilst the service provided to supporting ministers is maintained or improved.
Aim: no less than 20% of renal dialysis unit patients, by December 2016, will have evidence of ACP documentation.
Aim: by November 30th 2016, 90% of patients, who are assessed for vulnerability, using the "Falls For All" bundle in Station 7, will have Care and Comfort nursing rounds (CCR), carried out with the documentation completed, in the indicated timescale.
Aim: To reduce the percentage of patients delayed in receiving their chemotherapy by 20% by January 2017.
Aim: To achieve 90% compliance with a model for gathering, analysing and acting on real-time feedback from patients experiencing >48hrs of care in Surgical Ward of the Western Isles Hospital by January 2017
Aim: To achieve 75% compliance with six steps of an evidence-based, consultant led pathway for emergency laparotomy patients admitted to the Surgical Observations Unit at the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh by January 2017
Aim: To reduce the number of falls in the participating care home by 50% by end December 2016