This Value Management tool links the box score and huddles to a small set of targeted improvement projects.
The structure of the visual management board allows teams to engage in continuous improvement where multiple, complex improvement projects are running.
Visual management board can be displayed in many ways, such as a whiteboard, paper on the wall or can be digital/virtual, the principle should be that they are easy to update and change.
The structure of a weekly visual management board could include:
A visual management board is a communication tool to proactively manage quality and safety within teams, that provides real time information about current improvement work, displaying both quantitative and qualitative data, to help teams monitor ongoing improvement projects.
The board helps teams track key measures by visually displaying these. The visual display of data is supported by a weekly communication process such as a huddle.
The team updates the visual management board weekly and should focus on the measures based on analysis of the current state of the process as well as what links to the organisational strategy, these are supported with the presence of the process map and organisational strategy on the board. As improvements are implemented and sustained, new measures will be added to the board with the previous measures being monitored less frequently.
Visual management board should be kept simple, include visual tools such as charts, guidance tools and patient feedback to provide guidance for the team, as well as providing useful information to senior members of the organisation.
The board should be displayed in an area that is convenient but offers a level of privacy and where possible the improvement work within the team should be delegated to ensure the board has the most up to date information.