ScIL Cohort 17
Aim: To reduce non engagement/unplanned ending of support (community based meaningful activity of various forms) by people within their first month of support in our integrated mental health team in the north east of Glasgow by two people per...
Aim: 95% Care Home residents admitted to Ward 54 QEUH will return home with key documents form the Red Bag by December 2019.
Aim: With Level 5 Certificate in Social Sciences, Arbroath, we aim to increase learner attainment (26 students) from 56% to 75% by the end of the 2018/19 session.”
Aim: By March 2019 80% (approx. 55) of NHS Tayside Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) clinical staff will actively communicate* in quality improvement (Q.I.)
Aim: By June 2019, 50% of all Prosthetic and Orthotic clinical staff (n:16) based at the South-East Mobility and Rehabilitation Technology (SMART) Centre, NHS Lothian, will report supervision support their day to day work and feeling of wellbeing...
Aim: By June 2019, a minimum of 30 patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in the NHS Forth Valley area will have up to-date observations recorded into their Key Information Summary (KIS). This will allow Health Care...
Aim: By August 2019, improved interactions with others (e.g. own team) will be reported by 90% of NHS Health Scotland staff who have completed Insights Discovery Training.
Aim: By the end of June 2019, 85% of children leaving Inveraray Early Level Class (at the end of Primary 1) would achieve Early Level Literacy (reading, writing, listening and talking).
AIM: To improve the therapeutic environment and culture in Ward 10 Woodland View Hospital reducing incidents of Violence/Self Harm and Restraint by 10% by April 2019.
Aim: To increase and improve the level of Frailty screening in those over 65 who attend as unscheduled care patients at UHW, from approximately 25% to 50% of the attending population, by the end of July 2019.
Aim: By October 2019 Achieve 3 Hours Personal Learning Time For All Administration Staff.
Aim: 50% of preschool children accepted for both Speech & Language Therapy and Paediatrician assessment in West Edinburgh will be seen at a joint assessment clinic by June 2019.
AIM: By June 2019 90% of children and young people will receive appropriate support within 18 weeks of an enquiry or request being made to Highland Council Allied Health Professionals (AHPs).
Aim: By February 2019 100% of P1 children will be consistently using 2 or more sophisticated* conjunctions in their talking during 5 minute conversations (Baseline: 67%). *Operational Definition: Sophisticated conjunctions…Words used to connect...
Aim: Increase the number of video consultations for Haematology review appointments to 20% by May 2019.
Aim: By June 2019 there will be an increase of 30% from baseline in the average monthly Evidence and Evaluation for Improvement Team web page views (from 59 page views to 87)
Aim 100% of patients at Tranent Medical Practice who had a blood test done receive their results within four weeks by June 2019.
Aim: 95% of people with physiological deterioration in ward 51 of the acute medical receiving unit (AMRU) have a structured response and plan by June 2019.
Aim: To reduce the drug prescription errors in the Medicine on Discharge Process in a Community Hospital by 50% within three months.
Aim: By August 2019 the average length of stay for all Cardiology patients in Hairmyres Hospital will be reduced by 1 day in line with Realistic Medicine ethos and Achieving Excellence Workstream across NHS Lanarkshire.
AIM: By October 2019, 90% of people accepted onto the NHS Orkney MSK physiotherapy service will be seen within the 4 week referral to treatment target time.
Aim: To measurably improve the customer satisfaction (to a customer satisfaction level 4 (satisfied) or above) of three core internal stakeholders for the Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) project. This will be completed...
Aim: Increase the number of interactions on the Living Well in the North Knowledge Hub by 10 interactions (e.g. No. of entries in chat box, documents shared on site, video views) per month by July 2019.
Aim : By the end of June 2019 28 out of 45 pupils in P2 in school A will be at or beyond expected levels of progress in learning to read.
AIM: To reduce the number of falls in Brucklay Ward by 10% by the end of May 2019.
Aim: By June 2019, oncology paediatrics first assessment will be carried will out by a senior dental specialist increasing from 30% to 95%.
Aim: By end of June 2019 80% of children will have a family member who has embarked on at least one quality offer of Family Learning.
Aim: By the end of March 2019, 95% of referrals to the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSP) Adult Protection Unit will have been Screened by a Care Management or Social Work Senior within 3 days of receipt.
Aim: By the end of this academic session (June 2019), we aim to increase vocabulary knowledge in range (number of words known) and depth (ability to give definition, examples and use in writing) by 20% for one class of pupils in S1 at secondary...
Aim: By 31st July 2019, to have reduced the percentage of A&E letters being work-flowed to the Senior Administrative Officer by 30%.