ScIL cohort 13
Project Aim: By March 2019 90% of the East Ayrshire Adult Speech and Language Therapy Team will experience quality supervision in line with regulatory standards and recognised good practice.
Aim: By February 2019 we will increase the involvement* of service users (open to the Adult Protection Gateway Team) in the Safeguarding process by 30%. *Involvement defined as service users views and wishes being captured during assessment and...
AIM: By December 2018 pilot ward 7C will achieve a 50% improvement in reliability of documented clinical escalation for all elevated NEWS scores that are out with documented, acceptable parameters.
Aim: By January 2019 the CNPA will assess, investigate and respond to 90% of outdoor access enforcement complaints within 10 working days.
AIM: By December 2018, 80% of people aged 75 years and over admitted to the acute medical unit at Forth Valley Royal identified as frail, will receive early specialist comprehensive geriatric assessment.
Aim: By December 2018 all appropriate ICU patients should be offered a patient diary to help reduce post traumatic stress and psychological issues following an ICU stay.
Aim: Foster the Improvement approach and spread into other areas within the Board and to other NHS Boards. Develop a consist and repeatable approach for partnership working between Scottish Government and NHS Boards
Aim: Improving the service for the service users of Citizens’ Services in Thisted. For the improvement project, we specifically focus on waiting time and aim at reducing the number of service users at the city hall in Thisted who wait more than 15...
AIM: By January 2019 there will be a 15% reduction in patient falls with harm in Brandon Ward Udston
Aim: By 30th April 2019, 65% of children in one region of Dumfries and Galloway will experience a child-centred children’s hearing. This will include all hearings from 1st December 2018.
Aim: That care at home staff will increase their responses measuring regularity of promoting movement, knowledge of movement and capacity within their role to promote movement 2 points on a 10 point scale by November 2018.
AIM : By December 2018, 95% of Liaison Nursing referrals received by the Discharge Hub from Ward 105, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary will accurately reflect a requirement for Liaison Nurse intervention.
Aim: By January 2019, 95% of women receiving high risk medicines identified on the local high risk medicines list in Ashgrove and Summerfield wards at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital (AMH) will have the appropriate specialist prescription and...
Aim: To develop a systematic process for co-interpretation of available intelligence in an integrated, multi-agency and collaborative system that will identify local priorities for locality plans.
AIM: Anticipatory Care Planning conversations will happen reliably in 75% of patients in the respiratory ward at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh by March 2019.
Aim: By January 2019, reduction in waiting time from referral to diagnosis in patients with food and complex allergies from average of 18.5 weeks to average of less than 12 weeks and also reduction in number of appointments per patient.
Aim: To improve the efficiency, patient and staff experience of the endoscopy suite at the Western General Hospital by reducing system delays during scheduled lists (by 50%) by March 2019.
Aim: By March 2019 the number of patients over 50 years old who are ready for discharge by 30 days post admission with a hip fracture will have increased by 15% for those who have been admitted to Forth Valley Royal Hospital from their own home in...
Aim: To reduce the average application timescale to under 4 months to increase Paramedic appointment numbers by December 2018.
Aim: By Jan 2019 90% of parents within Nairn district identified with anxiety concerning parenting during their 6-8 week Health visitor check will receive additional advice and/or support. Sub Aim: To upskill early years staff by 50% to be...
Aim: By 31st March 2019 the Advice Centre will provide a benefit check for 10 patients per month from the Stroke Unit in line with Fairer Scotland (2016)
Aim: By March 2019 we will improve the experience of patients, their carers and staff in Prospectbank. We will reduce the incidence of stress and distress of the people we care for through a range of evidence based approaches.
AIM: To reduce time to theatre for patients who require medical optimisation, to reduce “medical delays” by 25% by February 28th 2019 *Delay = >36 hours from admission to surgery
Aim: by the end of December 2019 clinical staff will reach a target of greater than 90% compliance with hand hygiene.
Aim: Build capability and increase confidence by 50% of Occupational Therapy staff at Biggart Hospital to engage in QI activity by 31st December 2018.
Aim: Reduce the number of yellow calls waiting over 60 minutes on one ACC shift in the Lothian area by 100% by February 2019. - 10 patients a day on average are waiting excessive times for an ambulance to this category of emergency call.
Aim: One team in South Glasgow aims to increase by 11% to 22% the number of families who are homeless to be provided with permanent tenancies within 3 months of presentation by December 2018.
AIM: By January 2019 the Emergency Department will achieve a 20% improvement in reliability of medical assessment for Sepsis within 15 minutes of arriving into the Emergency Department at Raigmore Hospital.