Values Based Reflective Practice, otherwise known as VBRP®, is a model which has been developed by NHS Scotland to help staff deliver the care they came into the service to provide. It does this by promoting regular inter-disciplinary group reflection.
VBRP® can be used by anyone working in health and social care and is applicable across all disciplines and professional groups. VBRP® uses the principles of reflective practice to enable practitioners to understand and recognise their personal and professional value and by doing so supports them in delivering safe, effective and person-centred care.
Values Based Reflective Practice is an intentional way of reflecting on past practice, in the present, in order to improve practice in the future. VBRP® offers a structured, refletive method which is designed to help staff deliver the care they came into the service to provide.
VBRP® promotes person-centred care, engages in dialogue between personal and organisational values, attitudes and behaviours. It enhances staff fulfilment and turns history (what we have done) into learning. It supports staff members to better manage their own wellbeing and resilience, and helps them to develop increased reflexivity in their practice.
Ultimately, its goal is to improve the care provided to patients and service users.
Here is a short video explaining VBRP®
VBRP® is a national initiative created, designed and owned by NHS Education for Scotland (NES).
VBRP® Trainers: those who have successfully undergone a VBRP® Train the Trainer course can deliver the associated VBRP® training.
VBRP® steering group
The role of the Steering Group is to provide strategic and operational direction, advice and leadership in relation to the safe and effective delivery of VBRP® in Scotland and its promotion as an evidence-based listening service.
Membership of the NES VBRP® Steering Group consists of representatives of those with responsibility for the management and delivery of VBRP® services in Territorial Boards and Special Health Boards.
VBRP® Board Lead
As a national initiative delivered locally, the VBRP® Board Lead is a key role in the delivery and development of VBRP®. The role of the Board Lead is to:
• champion VBRP® within the local health and social care community
• ensure that VBRP® is accurately presented at all times
• safeguard VBRP® from being asked to do what it cannot and should not do (i.e. solve manager’s problems, deal with dysfunctional teams etc.)
• be the link person and point of contact between NES and the local context
• ensure that all local facilitators and trainee facilitators are safe and fit to practice
• act as mentor and coach to trainee facilitators within the local area
VBRP® facilitators:
VBRP® facilitators may:
From summer 2023, the governance of VBRP® facilitators has moved from NES to the Local Boards via their VBRP® Lead, who now has responsibility to ensure their board facilitators are safe and fit to practice.
NHS Ayrshire and Arran - Andy Gillies
NHS Borders - Caroline Wylie
NHS Dumfries and Galloway - Willie McFadden
NHS Fife - Ian Campbell/Lynne Innes
NHS Forth Valley - Vacant
Golden Jubilee National Hospital - Tosh Lynch
NHS Grampian - June Gordon
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde - Cindy Pollock
NHS Highland - Mike Robertson
NHS Lanarkshire - Paul Graham
NHS Lothian - Lindsay Anderson
NHS Orkney - Vacant
NHS Shetland - Neil Brice
NHS Tayside - Geoff Williams
NHS Western Isles - TK Shadakshari
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