ScIL Cohort 14 / Bel 1
By 1st Feb 2018 , 85% of pregnant women who fulfil agreed referral criteria are appointed and assessed by specialist midwives within 72 hours of telephone referral to the Midwife-led Fetal Growth Assessment (MFGA) service as recommended by the...
To implement a Person Centred Review for people with a learning disability by September 2018. 10% of service users attending one Day Centre will have a Multi- Disciplinary Team Person Centred Review.
By April 2018, the key learning points from 75% Leadership Walk Rounds (renamed as Safety, Quality Visits, SQV) in Unscheduled and Acute Care Directorate (UAC) and those undertaken by two directors will be available at local governance meetings...
To eliminate preventable falls on Neurology Ward by 20% by June 18 by identifying patients at most risk and to put in place triggers to reduce the likelihood and frequency.
To improve the perceived quality of email subject headings, received by the Divisional Senior Management Team, from a baseline of 60 on a 0 to 100 Likert scale, by 5% by May 2018.
To increase the number of Safety Quality Visits (SQV’s) within the Unscheduled & Acute Care Directorate (U&AC) to 4 per month and undertaken by members of the Divisions’ leadership team by 30th April 2018.
To reduce average fracture patient active recovery time (from leaving theatre until fit for discharge) by 25 minutes by 1 May 2018
To ensure 100% of callers to the Oncology helpline have a full telephone triage completed by May 2018
To improve compliance with the use of the H&CN in laboratory sampling in the RBHSC to 95% by June 2018.
By May 2018, 75% of all Laboratory tests requested by GUM clinic will be requested using Ordercomms
By April 2018, 95% of women urgently referred with a suspected Gynae cancer will begin their first definitive treatment within 62 days.
To eradicate CoNs sepsis within 72 hours of insertion of a PICC line by September 2018.
To reduce the time a patient waits between their appointed clinic time and the actual time they are seen by 30% by June 2018
To reduce delayed discharges from recovery for fracture patients by reducing the mean waiting time by 50%, by May 18
By June 2018 Speech & Language Therapy will have achieved a 25% improvement in their recorded referral response times in the Medical / Surgical wards in the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) The SLT team in RVH consists of 3.77 SLT qualified SLTs and...
By May 2018 100% of the Monthly Monitoring Reports (MMR) will be submitted to RQIA by no later than 28 th working day after the end of the monitoring month.
To reduce the average dispensing time for clozapine prescriptions in Knockbracken Pharmacy by 25% by April 2018.
To reduce review appointment by 30% on baseline by April 2018
To reduce the number of coagulation screen tests requested by Belfast City Hospital surgical pre-assessment team by 50% by the end of April 2018
To reduce the number of non-clinically indicated Haemoglobin (Hb) tests taken 8 hours post-procedure in the orthopaedic ERU by 50% by March 2018
To reduce attendance at the RBHSC ED by up to 10 children per Monday morning by June 2018. This will be achieved by introducing a nurse led community clinic on a Monday morning as an alternative to RBHSC (ED) regarding general health, advice and...
The aim of the project is, by the 30th April 2018, to provide PETCT scanning for 80% of all Red Flag and Urgent (RF/Urg) patient referrals within 14 days of receipt of referral.
To reduce the turnaround time between structural heart cath lab cases by 10minutes by June 2018
By March 2018, reduce of unnecessary attendances following orthopaedic trauma for Metacarpal or Radial head fractures by 50%
To use the Health & Care (H&C) number for group & hold blood sampling in the Children’s Haematology Unit 95% of the time by June 2018.