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These pages contain a variety of workforce education resources which have been developed by NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with Public Health Scotland to support the Scottish Immunisation Programme. These resources will be of interest to practitioners whose remit includes immunisation, whether administration or giving advice. The Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice Programme (PEIP) can be accessed from here. The pages include vaccine specific learning and learning to help support vaccination practice, such as injection techniques, informed consent, supporting those who experience procedural distress/anxiety and improving vaccine confidence.  Learner pathways are available to support practitioners to identify the learning suitable to their needs. Proficiency assessment tools are available for use locally with support and supervision

How do I know what learning is relevant to me?

This learning pathway resource will help you to identify the most relevant learning materials to your role within the vaccination programme.

Those new to vaccination practice may find it useful to undertake the Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice programme for registered practitioners or for healthcare support workers.If you are a returning vaccinator, you may find the self-appraisal tool useful to find out what learning is most relevant to your level of knowledge and experience.  

Midwifery vaccination learning pathway

This resource will support midwifery practitioners to identify a learning pathway suitable to their needs. 

Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice (PEIP)

The Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice (PEIP) programme supports those  whose remit includes immunisation, whether advice giving or administration. 

You can access PEIP at


Scottish Vaccine Update

This monthly publication will provide regular current information, both clinical and programmatic, for Scotland’s vaccination workforce. Vaccination is one of the most effective health interventions we have, and it takes a lot of people to make a vaccination programme happen. The aim of the publication is to keep healthcare practitioners informed on the latest activity within each of the vaccine programmes, whether directly involved with vaccine administration or through information giving.

The Scottish Vaccine Update

Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Vaccination learning resources are hosted on our Travel and International Health pages. Use this link to access the Yellow Fever Vaccination resource directly.

Yellow fever vaccination page

Storage and handling of vaccines

This recently updated unit forms part of the Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice programme.  It is available here as a stand-alone module for colleagues wishing to update their knowledge on this specific aspect of immunisation practice to complete.

Immunisation Resources - Vaccine Specific

Education resources have been developed in respect of the various vaccines. 

Please select the relevant heading from the menu on the left hand side to access the resources specific to the vaccine.