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These pages contain a variety of workforce education resources which have been developed by NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with Public Health Scotland to support the Scottish Immunisation Programme. These resources will be of interest to practitioners whose remit includes immunisation, whether administration or giving advice. The Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice Programme (PEIP) can be accessed from here. The pages include vaccine specific learning and learning to help support vaccination practice, such as injection techniques, informed consent, supporting those who experience procedural distress/anxiety and improving vaccine confidence.  Learner pathways are available to support practitioners to identify the learning suitable to their needs. Proficiency assessment tools are available for use locally with support and supervision

How do I know what learning is relevant to me?

This learning pathway resource will help you to identify the most relevant learning materials to your role within the vaccination programme.

Those new to vaccination practice may find it useful to undertake the Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice programme for registered practitioners or for healthcare support workers.If you are a returning vaccinator, you may find the self-appraisal tool useful to find out what learning is most relevant to your level of knowledge and experience.  

Midwifery vaccination learning pathway

This resource will support midwifery practitioners to identify a learning pathway suitable to their needs. 

PEIP eLearning Essential Maintenance

NES, PHS and key stakeholders have been working to review and update the content of the Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice programmes for both Registered Healthcare Practitioners and Healthcare Support Workers. Content updates have included inclusion of recent published evidence, new vaccine technologies and reference to current service delivery models. This has allowed an opportunity to transfer the content to a more interactive and accessible online platform, which it is anticipated, will enhance the user experience.


This work is now complete, and NES Digital colleagues will make the new units live between 09:00 and 12:00 on Friday 19th April 2024. During this time, learners may experience difficulty in accessing the content. Learners who have completed some of the units that are currently available will continue to have these recorded as complete. 


We apologise in advance for any inconvenience but hope that colleagues will appreciate the need for this work.

Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice (PEIP) Registered Healthcare Practitioners

The Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice (PEIP) programme supports registered healthcare practitioners whose remit includes immunisation, whether advice giving or administration. 

You can access PEIP at


Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice (PEIP) : Healthcare Support Workers (HCSW)

The Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice (PEIP): Healthcare support workers (HCSWs) programme has been developed for Healthcare Support Workers (HCSWs) on Level 3 or 4 of the NHS Career Framework, who have achieved education and training to Level 6 or 7 of the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework and have at least two years experience as a HCSW who works as part of a team delivering specific vaccinations as part of the Scottish Immunisation Programme.

Assessment of Proficiency

Before you are able to undertake vaccination practice you need to demonstrate that you have achieved the required knowledge and skills. Following completion of vaccine specific learning resources appropriate to the scope of your practice, your achievement of clinical proficiency will be assessed in your workplace. NES/PHS have developed proficiency assessment documents to allow you to demonstrate proficiency:

Once completed and signed off by your facilitator/supervisor, you should retain in your folder of evidence and be made available to your facilitator for the final review of your portfolio.

Knowledge Self Appraisal Tool for Immunisers

This resource provides a self appraisal tool to allow Registered Healthcare Practitioners to assess the currency of their immunisation knowledge base and a method to resolve any perceived gaps against national minimum standards. The resource is not formally assessed; however it allows participants and teams to identify areas where they would benefit from accessing elements of the online National Programme ‘Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice’ for registered healthcare practitioners.

Note: Registered Healthcare Practitioners utilising this self appraisal tool should do so under the guidance of their employer.  Local education and governance arrangements in relation of assessment of proficiency should be adhered to at all times.

Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Vaccination learning resources are hosted on our Travel and International Health pages. Use this link to access the Yellow Fever Vaccination resource directly.

Yellow fever vaccination page

Healthcare Support Worker Vaccinator education programme

The Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW) Vaccinator education programme has been developed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and Public Health Scotland (PHS) to help support HCSWs who do not have up to two years previous experience in health or social care.

The education programme has been designed to help support learners as they develop the knowledge and skills they will require to undertake the role of a HCSW alongside gaining proficiency in HCSW vaccination practice.

Access the programme.

Storage and handling of vaccines

This recently updated unit forms part of the Promoting Effective Immunisation Practice programme.  It is available here as a stand-alone module for colleagues wishing to update their knowledge on this specific aspect of immunisation practice to complete.

Immunisation Resources - Vaccine Specific

Education resources have been developed in respect of the various vaccines. 

Please select the relevant heading from the menu on the left hand side to access the resources specific to the vaccine.