This section contains additional learning to help support vaccinators in their role; the relevance of the topics to you will depend upon your previous experience and your area of practice. Topics include supporting those with procedural anxiety, person centred care in relation to vaccination practice, supporting those with specific needs and safety and security within vaccination settings
Note: You will need to be signed in to your Turas account to view and access the elearning module.
These resources aim to help support healthcare practitioners involved with the administration of vaccines to children and young people
This module may be of interest to new and experienced healthcare practitioners who work in any setting.
This module includes:
NOTE: Practitioners should ensure that they at all times adhere to local policies and procedures in relation to clinical skills practice under their employers’ clinical governance.
This short learning resource and video on intramuscular injections are intended to support practitioners administering vaccines, it was originally developed to support the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme however the content is transferrable to other IM injectable vaccines to adults:
To support practitioners a short video demonstrating correct intramuscular injection technique has been produced.
Please note: Informed consent and preparation of vaccine will not be covered in this video and practitioners should refer to other specific resources on these.
Links to additional information referenced in the video:
Vaccinating children and young people | Turas | Learn (
This short learning resource subcutaneous injection of vaccines is intended to help support practitioners administering vaccines using the subcutaneous route.
The resource was developed by NHS Education for Scotland and Public Health Scotland in collaboration with a range of colleagues with relevant expertise including from the Chief Nursing Officer Directorate in Scotland, Royal College of Nursing and colleagues from across the UK countries.
NOTE: The information contained within this slide set in relation to injection technique has been sourced from the Green Book and other sources. Practitioners should ensure that they at all times adhere to local policies and procedures in relation to clinical skills practice under their employers’ clinical governance
This short video demonstrates the correct technique for intra-nasal administration of the Fluenz® Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine
Note: You will need to be signed in to your Turas account to view and access the elearning module.
This resource aims to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge to help children and young people cope with vaccination procedures. NHS Inform has additional information available to help parents, children and young people as they prepare for their vaccine appointment and may attend with these, practitioners may find it useful to be aware of these resources.
This resource aims to help support healthcare practitioners gain the knowledge to recognise, manage and support individuals who are experiencing Procedural Anxiety during vaccination procedures. This resource may also be helpful for staff who are involved in initial discussions around vaccinations.
Person-centred resources here you will find resources to support the improvement of care experience and staff experience. This includes sensory impairment and involving people.
What healthcare practitioners say and how they interact with patients and caregivers can strongly influence vaccine acceptance. This resource is designed to support registered healthcare practitioners in discussing vaccination with patients, carers and parents.
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This resource may be available, in full or summary form, in alternative formats and community languages. Please contact NHS Education for Scotland on 0131 656 3200 or email to discuss how we can best meet your requirements.
Transcripts of any videos within this resource are available on request.