Please remember that day 1 and 2 are close together. We recommend that you aim to complete the pre-work for both days before day 1.
View the Self-leadership eLearning module and do the self-assessment at the end.
Read Marquet D.L. (2012) Turn the Ship Around (Portfolio Penguin). The book will be sent to programme participants.
Most organisations have formal documents that set out their approach to equality, diversity and inclusion, with public authorities in Scotland required to set equality outcomes they will deliver and report on. Find your organisation’s most recent documentation around Equality, diversity and inclusion. Review the document(s) and consider the following:
Watch Understanding unconscious bias (2:59) by Professor Uta.
Watch (optional, 4:25) "Worlds Apart" - an experiment. This is an advert for alcohol so we appreciate that not everyone will be comfortable watching it (in recognition of religious observance or issues with alcohol). We would like you to focus on the main message in the advert and the short mention of beer at the end could be replaced by thinking about the same question about a different activity (e.g. sharing a tea break, taking a walk together).
Read and Listen to - 'A long way to go': ethnic minority NHS staff share their stories
Reflection on learning questionnaire for New Horizons programme, module 1. We encourage you to reflect on, record and plan action on your learning. You can use these reflection questions to start creating a personal record of your learning.
Example of a mental pathway following the Ladder of Inference. This material is based on the work of Chris Argyris, as presented in Senge P M et al (1994) The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Unconscious bias toolkit
unconscious bias encounter diary
unconscious bias stereotypes exercise
Unconscious bias personal action plan
Reflecting on, understanding and developing yourself as a person and as a leader:
Leading and working together for better outcomes:
Seeing what is possible for people who use services, carers and communities now and in the future:
Leading by example and supporting others to be the best they can be:
Grint K. and Holt C. (2011) Followership in the NHS. The King’s Fund. (PDF)
Peter Anderton (2016) Great leadership comes down to only two rules. TEDx (17:28)
Scottish Government (2013) Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision (PDF)
Scottish Government (2017) Everyone Matters: 2020 workforce vision implementation plan 2018-2020 (website)
Leading to Change (website)
Equality & Diversity Zone at Turas Learn
Leadership Links webinar with Allison Trimble: Working with complexity and unconscious dynamics
Sharp C. (2018) Collective Leadership: Where Nothing is Clear and Everything Keeps Changing. Collective Leadership for Scotland Research & Practice Series (PDF)
Identifying Bias: Implicit Association Tests (IATs) - includes information on the tests and guidance on reflection on the results.
Unconscious bias toolkit Download (59 KB)