Welcome to the Equality and Diversity Zone. In this zone you will find a range of educational resources around equality, diversity and human rights topics that are relevant to health and social care.
Please contact the NES Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Team if you have any questions nes.equalityteam@nhs.scot
To get started look at the “Essential learning” page for an introduction to concepts and issues.
In "Equality topics" you'll find a range of resources relevant to specific groups of people who are protected from discrimination, harassment and victimisation under equality legislation.
On this page you will find learning resources to help you communicate with people have communication support needs, use alternative communication methods or British Sign Language (BSL)
Learning resources about equality impact assessments
Collected equality and diversity topic areas maintained by NES. These include: Disability and long-term conditions, Gender, LGBT+, Race, Religion and belief.
Foundation learning resources introducing equality and human rights. Relevant to everyone working in health and social care.
Resources and guidance on making services accessible, including information, training, and digital resources.
This collection of resources gives guidance on human rights issues.
Resources for managers and leaders outlining their responsibilities on equality, diversity, and inclusion.
Training sessions on equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights.