Refugee Candidate Resource

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If you have refugee status, you have a right to work in any role in Scotland.  Asylum seekers can apply for the right to work 12 months after their asylum claim has been submitted, but currently only in roles on the Immigration Salary List, which includes employment as an adult care worker. This toolkit brings together all the information you might need if you decide you want a role in adult social care in Scotland.

Scotland benefits enormously from the contribution made by people like you from across the world who want to work in adult social care. 

Scotland endeavours to be a good global citizen.  It is committed to promoting and protecting the global care workforce and ensuring that those who choose to work and live in Scotland have the best possible experience, underpinned by pastoral support and career development opportunities.

The Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) recognises that refugees and asylum seekers experience barriers to accessing employment opportunities and encourage you to seek volunteering opportunities initially, and where appropriate within law, to aid skills development and broaden your network so that you are at an advantage when it comes to the job market. In turn, the Scottish government encourages volunteering, training and employment for refugees; more information can be found in the Welcome pack for New Scots. In Scotland, 1 in 13 people work in social services and every day they make a difference to people’s lives. With opportunities to gain new skills, qualifications and personal fulfilment, a job in adult social care could make a difference to your life too.

A guide has been written to help you, as an employee, understand the recruitment and induction processes of adult social care organisations. It focuses on the additional information specific to overseas workers, refugees and asylum seekers and the organisations that employ them. As a new employee you can expect to receive some form of induction package, in addition to this guide, from your new employer. 


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