ScIL Cohort 39 Posters
Improving the feedback analysis process as part of collecting and reporting public views and experiences within Healthcare Improvement Scotland – Community Engagement.
The use of an ACRT(Active, Clinical, Referral, Triage) vetting tool to achieve waiting times standard across NHS Lanarkshire.
Reduce time spent on Community Treatment and Care (CTAC) workstream Chronic Disease Monitoring (CDM) data collection appointments within Hamilton Treatment Room Services (TRS) by 25%* over a seven month period from end May 2022 to December 2022 to...
Promoting peer support and learning for Cohort 1 of the new NES General Practice Nurse (GPN) Education Pathway
By January 2023, all 14 health boards will engage with national work to improve and standardise access to diabetes education and support across Scotland, an increase from 6
Reducing cancelled and attempted home visits
Shifting our culture to one focused on good psychological safety- leading to a happier, safer, more stable and sustainable workforce.
Increase the number of people with early episode psychosis (EEP) accessing psychological assessment while on acute psychiatric wards in NHS Lanarkshire by 30% by March 2023
Reducing the number of medicines management-related incidents within Coatbridge Health Centre through process improvement
By 31 March 2023, 90% of supervisees will receive supervision every eight weeks, in line with the supervision policy. This improvement is connected to the wider improvement programme across residential childcare
Within a Community Mental Health Team
Seamless Care in the Stroke Unit at UHW
Increase Hate Crime reported by victims in Aberdeen from 20% to 40% by May 2023
Supporting improvement through self evaluation to improve outcomes for people who experience care at home services.
By January 2023, 90% of people transferred to Glenmore ward for continued rehabilitation will have a collaborative discharge conversation documented and shared with key stakeholders
Improving Waiting Times for New Patient Review in Outpatient Gastroenterology Clinics through MDT working
Reducing Consultations’ Time and Maximising Patients’ Satisfaction in the Urogynaecology Clinics – NHS Lanarkshire
To reduce the number of patients who return for review to Church St practice in Coatbridge within 4 weeks of their consultation with the primary care mental health nurse by 25% by February 2023
Using data to direct improvement activity
Improving omissions of questions during Donor Selection Health Check within Edinburgh and South-East Donor Collection team, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS)
Improve and reduce the variation within the manual card process in call handling operations by 35%, and investigate novel ways to redesign supervisor and team leader summoning, in line with existing NHS 24 Clinical Governance guidelines, within a...
Improving data submission through effective engagement with the care home sector to support the Care Inspectorates recommendation to the Scottish Government on the use of an agreed staffing method framework across adult care homes.
The aim is to have 75% (15 team members) of the dedicated Quality Improvement Team at NES using the work scheduling tool according to the NES QI Team agreed process by February 2023
By March 2023, there will be: 80% quarterly compliance with individual child protection supervision within Airdrie (from 23%) and Clydesdale (from 63%) health visiting teams. 80% quarterly compliance with group child protection supervision within...
Improving Attitudes Towards Adverse Incidents in the Periop Department