Welcome to this page dedicated to learning resources that are designed to support us to take a trauma informed approach in our work with victims and witnesses, across their justice journey through initial reporting and investigation, prosecution, or court case. You will find links on the left to the films, animations, workshops and e-learning modules designed to support you to:
Most of these resources have been coproduced by learners like you and victims and witnesses themselves.
You can also find below some images that highlight why trauma informed approaches can make a difference when we work with victims and witnesses, and below that some information and links to the Knowledge and Skills Framework that underpins this work.
In 2023 The Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs Launched the Trauma Informed Justice Knowledge and Skills Framework for working with Victims and Witnesses.
The framework was developed by NES in partnership with victims and witnesses and a wide range of justice agencies involved in the criminal prosecutions process. It was developed in recognition of the considerable and multiple ways in which victims and witnesses can experience the criminal justice system as making their prior experiences of trauma worse, and the negative impact this has on their ability to effectively engage in the process, and to recover.
The framework identifies the key aims of trauma informed justice for victims and witnesses, and is designed to support organisations to identify the training needs of their staff and volunteers to meet those aims, and design or commission training accordingly.
Trauma Informed Justice Knowledge and Skills Framework for working with Victims and Witnesses
Foundation knowledge and skills for all justice workers
Knowledge and skills required by anyone in direct contact with witnesses. Includes the shared knowledge and skills that anyone working at any of the enhanced levels will need.
Additional knowledge and skills required by those who work in one of the four enhanced settings.