Informed Animation and Workshop

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These informed resources have been created to support individuals and teams think about what trauma informed approaches look like for their own role and setting. On this page you will find the animation “ Opening Doors” which introduces the general principles of trauma informed practice, and then below that a recorded workshop designed to help you and your team(s) make a plan for trauma informed change using the principles and understanding contained in the animation.


This animation was developed by NHS Education for Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Government. It is designed to be relevant to all workers within the Scottish workforce. It aims to support workers to know how to adapt the way they work to make a positive difference to people affected by trauma and adversity.


This recorded workshop is designed to help you and your teams examine how you work through a trauma informed lens. The workshop begins with playing the animation “ opening doors” and then Dr Caroline Bruce introduces five key pause points for reflection, discussion, planning and commitment. 

You can access the workshop using this link: Taking a trauma informed lens to your work: Opening doors on Vimeo

Whether you watch this as an individual or a team, it will help you to reflect on:

  • The extent to which the people you work with may have experienced trauma, and the ways that it might affect your work with them
  • Recognising and celebrating your existing trauma informed practices and how to sustain these.
  • Identifying any changes you could make to limit re-traumatisation and support their recovery.

Below you will find some resources that support the workshop: 1. Guidance notes for anyone facilitating or introducing the workshop and 2. A Plan for Change to help you note down and follow through on any commitments that you agree during the workshop.