Informed and Skilled e-learning Modules

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These two e-learning modules are designed to support the learning of anyone who has a role with victims and witnesses in the justice process.

Module 1 provides foundation level knowledge about what trauma is, how it can affect victims and witnesses, and the role that any of us can play, no matter our job, in minimising re-traumatisation. It takes around 1.5 hours to complete.

 Module 2 builds on module 1, providing further knowledge about the ways that trauma can affect us, and supports the development of skills in recognising the signs that a witness may be affected by trauma, and in how to adapt the way you work to support someone to give their best evidence without causing any further harm.

You will only be able to access the learning modules once you have registered for a Turas Learn account and have logged in. If you cannot access the link to the modules then please log in to your Turas Learn account and return to this page. Anyone with an email address can sign up for a Turas Learn account using the " register" button at the top right of the screen, no matter your location or role. 

For more information on how to register, click here: Accessing the NTTP Justice e-learning modules

Trauma Informed Justice Module 1: Foundation knowledge for working with victims and witnesses

This module is designed to cover the foundation knowledge anyone working within the justice sector, no matter their role, will require in order to support a trauma informed justice system. It aligns with the informed section of  Trauma Informed Justice: A Knowledge and Skills Framework for Working with Victims and Witnesses.

Trauma Informed Justice Module 2 : Developing skills for working with victims and witnesses

This module is designed to cover the knowledge required by anyone working within the justice sector who has regular and direct contact with victims and witnesses , in order to support a trauma informed justice system. It aligns with the skilled section of Trauma Informed Approaches with Victims and Witnesses