Introduction to Enhanced Practice

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For people working in any of the Enhanced Practice roles, there a range of different knowlege and skills that will support trauma informed and responsive practice depending their own specialised sphere of work.

Police Officers and others who have a role in interviewing victims and witnesses for the purposes of investigation and gathering evidence will benefit from applying the knowledge and skills described in the  Enhanced: Evidence Gathering section of the knowledge and skills framework.

Equally lawyers and judges who have a role in overseeing or  presenting evidence in court will benefit from applying the knowledge and skills described in the Enhanced: Evidence Presentation and Interpretation section of the knowledge and skills framework.

 And those who have a role in supporting and advocating for victims and witnesss through the process will benefit from applying the knowledge and skills described in the Enhanced: Advocacy and Support section of the knowledge and skills framework.

Enhanced Practice Roles
Enhanced Practice Roles
Enhanced Practice: Evidence Gathering and Presentation