What's new in March 2021

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Outlined below are release notes on the significant changes and improvements to the Turas Vaccination Management tool in March 2021.

30 March 2021

Release 527, Version 2021.3.30.4

Include vaccine suitability notes during patient screening

We've received a lot of user feedback around the importance of being able to include suitability notes when screening a patient. An option to add suitability notes (if required) is now available on the patient 'Screening and Consent' section of the tool. This is an optional text box, you do not have to enter any information here. The suitability notes text box has a limit of 300 characters. This limit is to ensure the notes are short and succinct.

The suitability notes box is available after selecting either 'Patient is suitable' or 'Patient is NOT suitable'. You do not have to enter any information in this text box.

Optional suitability notes are available after selecting 'Patient is suitable'.

Screen shot showing the suitability notes on patient that are suitable for the vaccine

Optional suitability notes are available after selecting 'Patient is NOT suitable'.

Screen shot showing the suitability notes on patient that are not suitable for the vaccine


'Other' eligibility option has been removed

For cleaner and more meaningful reporting data the 'Other' option has been removed from the eligibility criteria options.

Screenshot of the eligibility criteria options
Thursday 25 March 2021

Release 512, Version 2021.3.25.4

Amend clinic start date

Users with the role of Devolved Administrator can now amend the clinic start date (of a clinic that is open). They can now change the start date to be before the current clinic start date.

Screen shot showing the clinic start date with pointer and text explaining that this can now be changed to a date before the clinic start date
Tuesday 23 March 2021

Release 501, Version 2021.3.23.2 

Vaccinations can now be recorded after the vaccination episode

Designed as a point of care tool it wasn't possible to record a vaccination after the event. Extensive feedback from users indicated that this caused issues. Functionality to record vaccination episodes completed at an earlier time is now available.

Users with the role of Records Manager or Vaccinator can now add a vaccination record after the event. Start by selecting ‘Record Retrospective Vaccination' from the homepage tile.

Screen shot of the panel and button to be used to start retrospective keying of a vaccination episode. Button label is 'Record Retrospective Vaccination

This functionality allows the user to record the details of the person who performed each step of the vaccination episode. At each step of the form, you will be asked to select the person that:

  • registered the patient
  • screened the patient
  • vaccinated the patient


Screen shot of the dropdown that allows the user to select the registrant
Screen shot of the dropdown that allows the user to select the screener
Screen shot of the dropdown that allows the user to select the vaccinator
Tuesday 16 March 2021

Release 492, Version 2021.3.11.1 

Improved control for deletion of vaccination episodes

Where a patient is registered, they can already be removed from the ‘Clinic List’. Now you can also delete a patient record when they have different statuses. 

Vaccinators who completed the screening or vaccination steps can delete a vaccination episode with any of these statuses: 

  • Screening Incomplete (Draft)  
  • Screened 
  • Vaccination Incomplete (Draft)  
  • Completed 
  • Completed vaccinations can be deleted for 60minutes after the vaccination has been completed

Records Manager
Records Managers can delete a vaccination episode recorded at clinics within their Health Board. Vaccination episodes can be deleted with the following statuses: 

  • Screening Incomplete (Draft)  
  • Screened 
  • Vaccination Incomplete (Draft)  
  • Completed 
  • Completed vaccinations can be deleted if the completed date is less than 26 weeks since the vaccination was completed

Where the above criteria are met the ‘Delete vaccination’ option is available to the user from the ‘Actions’ drop-down list on either the Clinic List or Patient Details Screen. 

Screen shot of clinic list table with 'Actions' dropdown and the 'Delete Vaccination' option highlighted

When the ‘Delete vaccination’ option is selected a page outlining the patient, registration, screening and vaccination information is displayed. You must provide an explanation for deleting the record in the ‘Deletion Reason’ text box. 

Screen shot of the 'Deletion Reason' text input

To complete the delete vaccination step the user must click the ‘Delete Vaccination’ button. You will then be asked to confirm you want to delete the vaccination. 

Records that are deleted will be shown in the ‘Patient Details’ page with a status of ‘Entered in Error’. By selecting ‘Actions’ then ‘View’ the user can see who deleted the record and they reason the record was deleted. 

More release notes