Outlined below are release notes on the significant changes and improvements to the Turas Vaccination Management tool in February 2021.
Release 477, Version 2021.2.25.3
A 'Details of My Current Clinic' menu item allows a user to confirm that the products and batches available at their clinic are configured in the Vaccination Management tool before any vaccinations start.
Several screens in the Vaccination Management Tool present tables of information. These tables have an associated free text filter box. This change makes the labelling and layout of these filter boxes clearer and more consistent. The change also introduces a 'Clear Filter' button to simplify that action.
Example of 'Clear Filter' button as shown on the 'Clinic List' page
Release 468, Version 2021.2.23.2
When a user has completed the screening of a patient and then clicks the ‘Record Screening Outcome’ button they are taken to the homepage. Displayed on the homepage is an alert stating the patient has been screened with a link to allow the user to start that patient’s vaccination.
You will still be able to start the vaccination of the patient after clicking the 'Record Screening Outcome' button
Use the 'start their vaccination' link to start the vaccination of the patient that you last screened
Previously, when you opened a patient vaccination record but didn’t make any changes to the form, then clicked the 'Go Back' link or the ‘Close without Saving’ button, that patient record moved to the ‘In Progress’ state. This caused workflow problems.
Now, following those actions will keep the patient status the same as it was before you open the patient record. So, if you start a patient screening, then choose 'Close without Saving' or 'Go Back' the vaccination episode will return to the 'Registered' state.
Vaccination Management has been updated to include the mandatory question 'Is the Patient known to be pregnant?'. The answer options are 'Yes' or 'No'. An answer to this question must be provided to complete the patient screening.
Vaccinators will ask pregnant women whether they have been counselled before vaccinating. Vaccinators will also ask whether women are breastfeeding and will signpost them to advice (but no requirement for pre-vaccination counselling).
Pregnancy question is positioned after the patient vaccination history question.
The offline paper form should be used if your clinic experiences WiFi or connection issues. The pregnancy question 'Is the Patient known to be pregnant?' has been added to the form.
Note: To cater to the different vaccination clinic operating models there are now two offline paper forms.
Pregnancy question is positioned after the patient vaccination history question.
Release 445, Version 2021.2.15.2
The ‘Refresh this List’ button on the ‘Clinic List’ didn’t work correctly. When a user clicked the ‘Refresh this List’ button the list would not always retain the selected patient status options.
This release means that when the ‘Refresh this List’ button is clicked, the ‘Clinic List’ retains the status selections. Users would require less effort to find a patient as they would not have to re-select the patient status options that were previously set.
The links to help hosted on Turas Learn were out of date. These out of date links meant that when the user went to Turas Learn they were asked to sign in. Now you can access the most up to date ‘Help’ content without being asked to sign in.
Release 443 Version 2021.2.12.4
If 2 users select a patient for screening at almost the same time, an unexpected error was displayed for the 2nd user (who selected the patient slightly later than the 1st user). The unexpected error wasn’t informative or helpful. Now, a message will display stating that the patient has already been selected for screening. The name of the vaccinator that started the screening is also displayed.
Release 439 Version 2021.2.10.3
To support the mass clinic workflow the ‘Screening and Consent’ step has been split from the ‘Vaccination step’. The changed structure better supports the workflow used in some mass vaccination clinics (where different individuals perform those steps).
Apart from some labelling updates, the flow remains unchanged, meaning existing users will be able to complete their tasks as before.
Release-428, Version 2021.2.2.4
Completed vaccination records could not be amended. But users required the option to amend mistakes they knew they made to vaccination records. This release provides the much-requested functionality to allow amendments to completed vaccinations (within a 60-minute window).
The amend option can be found within the ‘Actions’ dropdown on the ‘Clinic List’ for 60 minutes after completing the patient’s vaccination.
The ‘Amend this Vaccination’ option is also available from the ‘View’ patient page 60 minutes after completing the patient’s vaccination.
Release 424, Version 2021.2.1.3
When registering a patient, the error message about the phone number format was not clear. The error message now provides more detail on the expected format.
After completing a postcode search on the 'Create Location' page, where you find one or more matches, you will see these options: