ScIL Cohort 20
Use of the SSKIN tool will result in a 50% reduction in the incidence of avoidable community acquired pressure ulcers (grade 2 or above) by February 2020 in housebound patients admitted to the District Nursing Caseload registered at Rubislaw and...
Increase the attendance of identified pupils at risk of not progressing onto a positive destination on leaving school, to 80% or higher by December 2019
100% of all Asset TransferRequests and Participation Requests, in Aberdeen City through to a satisfactory conclusion by December 2020.
By December 2019, 50% of patients screened at their Orthopaedic outpatient appointment in Perth Royal Infirmary (PRI) as low risk for anaesthetic for minor and intermediate surgical interventions will have their Pre-assessment Clinic (PAC)...
By January 2020, 100% of P7 pupils* (100% = 16) at Ladyloan Primary School will be confident documenting their learning via an online journal, Seesaw. (*Pupils with no multiple or complex ASN diagnosis)
80% of patients in an Orthopaedic Trauma Ward in Perth Royal Infirmary go home or to a homely setting on their planned date of discharge by December 2019.
By January 2020, 80% of all patients and families will be offered the opportunity to feedback on the care received within the children’s day surgery unit.
The project aims to improve “Joy in Work” on Drum ward by 10% by January 2020.
85% of all PPH’s will have appropriate medical escalation byendofDecember2019
Improving the Efficiency of a Trakcare Upgrade Implementation
90% of adverse events reported by Domestic Services staff will be reported directly onto Datix, without the completion of a paper form and transcription, by June 2020
By December 2019 95% of all GP Practice Pharmacists will submit the monthly PDQIP (Prescribing Data-driven Quality Improvement in Primary Care) Tool data entry.
Aim is to increase the % of Council Housing tenants who can engage electronically with Aberdeen City Council as a landlord to 80%
To increase complaints early telephone contact calls (within 5 days) from 38.2% to 90% by February 2020 within Medicine 2 Division of the Acute Sector, NHS Grampian.
By January 2020 there will be an increase of 10% in the number of pupils in Craigie High School who give a rating of ‘agree’ to questions relating to their views being listened to, and acted on, within the context of ‘Learner Participation in...
The aim of this project is to increase self reported physical activity levels within this group by 20% by December 2020.
By Dec 2019, 90% of the referrals to Occupational Therapy where there is a query about which Occupational Therapy Service is most appropriate, are triaged within 48 Hours of accessing a service
To achieve a 10% increase in Video Consultations for patients registered at Ardach Health Centre between June and December 2019
To reduce by 25% the number of asymptomatic Term Neonates (≥37 weeks gestation) admitted to the NNU for IV cannulation and IV antibiotics by January 2020
To introduce out of hospital IOL to over 5 women per week by July 2020
By January 2020, 10% of residents within a care home in Aberdeenshire will be participating in lifestyle choices (activities) which include learning opportunities as part of the care homes lifestyle programme
By January 2020, the number of Care Provider invoices being processed and paid by AHSCP will be paid within the agreed timeframe in 90% of cases. The aim of this project is to ensure the invoice process is streamlined, efficient, fit for purpose...
By January 2020, the number of delayed discharge patients who experience delays in Fraserburgh Community Hospital whilst waiting for care at home services will be reduced by 50%.
To reduce the use of face down restraint in a General Admission Psychiatric ward by 40% by the end of 2019.
90% of Band 5 Registered Nurses (RN) will be compliant with 50% of statutory/mandatory/essential skills listed in the learning log by November 2019