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Learning site for Future Nurse and Midwife programme resources.


A Scottish Future Nurse and Midwife Programme Board has been established to support a "Once for Scotland" approach to the implementation of the new NMC Standards.

The group has a dual purpose:

  1. to provide strategic oversight, direction and governance to the implementation of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)Standards of proficiency for registered nurses (NMC 2018) and the Standards of proficiency for midwives (NMC 2020).
  2. to consider the future nurse role in its entirety in Scotland.

The chair of the group is Professor Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government with representation from the NMC, the NMC Thought Leadership Group, Council of Deans Health Scotland, Scottish Executive Nurse Directors (SEND), Further Education, National Strategic Group for Practice Learning (NSGPL), Scottish Heads of Midwifery, Midwifery Education Group Scotland (MEGS), Scottish Care, Scottish Collaboration for the Enhancement of Pre-registration Nursing Group (SCEPRN), NHS Education for Scotland, Scottish Student Council, Education Prescribing Network Representative, Open University, Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland, Royal College of Nursing and Royal College of Midwives.

Future Nurse and Midwife Programme Board (FNMPB) newsletter

A newsletter was developed on behalf of the programme board by the Communications group associated with workstream 6 within the FNMPB workplan. The most recent newsletter is available below. Previous versions have now been archived.

For previous versions please contact N&

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NEW RESOURCES - HNC healthcare practice evaluation