As a line manager, you have a vital role in supporting equality and diversity, both through an understanding of your legal duty and through supporting your team to create a supportive environment where all employees feel a sense of belonging.
On this page you will find information to help support you as a leader and manager. You will find training options to support your learning across different protected characteristics, information about mitigating unconscious bias in recruitment and general resources relating to furthering your understanding about topics related to equality.
Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Please contact nes.equalityteam@nhs.scot
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Leading to Change offer events, blogs and other resources to support leaders at all levels develop their understanding of the importance of inclusive leadership: Equalities - Leading to Change
Leaders can play an important role as allies. Allyship is the work of actively supporting and advocating for marginalised groups. Allies recognise where power is held within a system and work in solidarity and partnership with marginalised groups to amplify, empower and help drive change. You can use this Allyship Hub to develop your own understanding and/or work through with your teams: Leading to Change | Equalities | The Allyship Hub Programme
NHS Leadership Academy offers a free “Developing Inclusive Workplaces” programme designed for designed for health and care managers and supervisors, to help you develop core inclusive leadership skills. Core Managers: Developing Inclusive Workplaces programme: Course 1 – Leadership Academy