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Welcome to the Equality and Diversity Zone. In this zone you will find a range of educational resources around equality, diversity and human rights topics that are relevant to health and social care.

In focus

Sexual harassment for line managers

This module will support line managers across NHS Scotland and social care to identify sexual harassment, understand wider gender inequalities, support fellow colleagues who have experienced sexual misconduct, and highlight relevant policies and good practice that can be used in their own working lives.

Launch of new eLearning module: Introduction to equality, diversity and human rights

Have you seen our new essential learning eLearning module? This module is an introduction to equality, diversity and human rights for health and social care workers in Scotland. It has been developed to meet the essential learning needs of the health and social care workforce in Scotland.

Cultural Humility

Visit our new Cultural Humility page where you will find an eLearning module on Cultural Humility for health and social care staff, developed by NHS Scotland Academy. This eLearning module has been designed to support the development of positive cultural humility values, attitudes and behaviours in the health and social care workforce in Scotland.

Introduction to Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)

This short module is for anyone looking to understand EQIA. It includes the purpose of EQIAs and the legislation behind them, and takes learners through the basic steps of how to plan and carry out an impact assessment. 

Equality and the role of Board members in meeting the Public Sector Duty

The eLearning module Equality and the role of Board members in meeting the Public Sector Duty was developed in collaboration by NHS Education for Scotland and the Equality and Human Rights Commission, as an introduction to equality for Board members. It is a comprehensive introduction for anyone who would like to understand more about key issues relating to equality in health and social care. You can find this module on the Board Development zone on Turas.