Lessons Learned Logs are used to capture and share knowledge about what has worked well and what could have been done differently during the planning, management and delivery of an improvement project. They help others learn from the project team’s experience.
Lessons Learned logs are written documents that can come in many forms. They can be adapted according to the context of your improvement project. As a minimum they should include the following information:
Lessons Learned Logs are used to capture and share knowledge about what has worked well and what could have been done differently during the planning, management and delivery of an improvement project. They help others learn from the project team’s experience.
Lesson Learned Logs:
All members of the project team, should contribute to the Lessons Learned Log and the Log should be held by the improvement project manager or other named contact. The Log should be accessible to others in the organisation so that it can be used as a planning tool for future projects and so that the same mistakes can be avoided:
Working example
Blank template