Further Training

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Further Training

Infection Prevention and Control e-learning modules

This suite of Infection Prevention and Control modules aim to provide all members of the dental team with up-to-date advice and information relating to current national guidelines. 

Module 1 will focus on:

  • Sourcing the latest guidance on Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
  • Identifying why IPC is important in a dental practice setting.
  • The effective application of Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs) and Transmission Based Precautions (TBPs) including Assessment of Infection Risk, Hand Hygiene and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Module 2 will focus on

  • The effective application of Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs) including Safe Management of Care Equipment, Safe Disposal of Waste (including sharps) and Occupational Safety: Prevention and Exposure Management (including sharps)
  • The correct usage and loading of decontamination equipment including periodic testing and roles and responsibilities in relation to managing an LDU.

Module 3  will focus on

  • The effective application of Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs), including Safe Management of Care Equipment - reusable non-invasive equipment, Care of the Environment, Management of Blood and Body Fluid Spillages and Respiratory and Cough hygiene. 
  • Legionella risk assessment requirements, including care of dental unit waterlines and the correct application of fallow time when required.
Scottish Infection Prevention & Control Education Pathway (SIPCEP)


Infection Prevention and Control zone

The Scottish Infection Prevention and Control Education Pathway is a staged pathway of infection prevention and control education available to all Scottish health and social care staff and students.  The purpose of the pathway is to enable staff to continuously improve their knowledge and skills around infection prevention and control as part of their role. It comprises of 3 layers:

Foundation - Underpins knowledge and core behaviour linked to Standard Infection Control precautions (SICPs).  This layer is suitable for all dental staff and may be useful to include in the programme of induction for new staff

Intermediate - Application of ‘knowledge into practice’. This layer has specific modules which may be relevant to interested dental staff e.g. Decontamination, Quality Improvement

Improvement - Aimed at those who wish to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the principles of infection prevention and control (IPC). This layer is suitable for advanced practitioners in IPC

Local Decontamination of Re-usable Instruments

The Higher National (HN) Unit in Local Decontamination of Re-usable Instruments at SCQF level 8 is suitable for individuals who undertake decontamination activities or supervise decontamination activity within their workplace. This unit will enable candidates to develop the knowledge and skills required to recognise the importance of decontamination in preventing the spread of infection. It will also enable candidates to apply their knowledge and skills to ensure reusable instruments are safely and effectively decontaminated in accordance with national guidance for local decontamination 

Entry Requirements:  

In order to apply to undertake the programme, applicants must:  

Be working as a dental nurse or an LDU operative working in a Local Decontamination Unit in a dental setting, in order to access the relevant practical experience to meet the assessment requirements of this qualification 

Be able to attend every study session and complete all requirements of this qualification within the duration of the programme 

Have the support of their workplace to undertake this qualification 

Course Timetable: 

This programme will be delivered in an online format 

4 study sessions from 9.00 am – 12.30 pm. 

Attendance at all study days is mandatory.  

You will be provided with instructions to access the online sessions 

Course Fees:  

£65.00 along with a current Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) registration fee of £13.00 

How To Book: 

Log on to NES Portal (www.portal.scot.nhs.uk)  and search for -  

Local Decontamination of Re-usable Instruments 

Book and pay via the Dental Portal to confirm a place on the course