New Horizons : module 4

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Please remember that day 1 and 2 are close together.  We recommend that you aim to complete the pre-work for both days before day 1.

Pre-reading and preparation for module 4

Follow-up from module 3

Resilience - find a partner and share the three actions that you are going to take.  Agree a time to call to share your progress.

Preparation for module 4

View the Empowering eLearning module and do the self-assessment at the end.

Read Seven Principles of Knowledge Management (PDF).  Adapted from Cognitive Edge blog by Snowden D. (2008).

Complete the eLearning module Why things go wrong and right in complex systems.  Please note, you need to be signed into TURAS to access this.


Consider Ladder of Participation (PDF).  Adapted from Arnstein S.R. (1969) A Ladder of Citizen Participation. AIP Journal.

Read Ladder of Participation examples (PDF).  Where in the Ladder of Participation you would put these?  Come prepared to discuss your rationale. 

Pre-reading for the Book Club: Gawande A. (2015) Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End. Profile Books Ltd/Welcome Collection, London.

Consider the following 3 questions for discussion at Book Club:

  1. How have the central issues of Being Mortal (i.e, mortality, end of life care, ageing and death) affected your thinking?
  2. What are the author’s main critiques of nursing homes?  What do you think about the tensions between keeping older adults safe and helping them live their best lives?
  3. Discussing mortality can be uncomfortable.  How has reading Being Mortal changed or redefined your feelings about mortality?  What uncomfortable conversations might you be willing to have now as a person and as an NHS colleague?

We know these topics are sensitive and appreciate that some people may feel unable to contribute to the discussion on the day due to their personal circumstances.  If you anticipate that you may have difficulty fully participating in the conversation, please get in touch with the facilitator team in advance to discuss your options. 

Module 4 materials and resources
Module 4 key learning outcomes


Reflecting on, understanding, and developing yourself as a person and as a leader:

  • Apply strategies from a range of models in communications about varied matters, in a range of situations.
  • Reflect on the extent of transparency and fairness in own work practices.

Creativity and innovation

Finding different ways of thinking and doing:

  • Think laterally and creatively to resolve problems with transparency.
  • Seek opportunities for development in order to achieve desired change.


Seeing what is possible for people who use services, carers and communities now and in the future:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the real, underlying needs of patients, service users, carers and their families.


Enabling others to develop and use their own leadership capacity:

  • Demonstrate own, and support others', leadership behaviours.
Further resources

Collective Leadership Scotland supports and enables the public service workforce to work together to deliver the services that matter to the people of Scotland. 

West, M. et. al. (2017) Caring to Change: How compassionate leadership can stimulate innovation in health care. The Kings Fund.

West, M. et. al. (2014) Delivering a Collective Leadership Strategy for Health Care. The Kings Fund; Center for Creative Leadership.

Knoco Stories – From the knowledge management front-line (2012) Some Addenda to Snowden’s 7 Principles of Knowledge Management. Some additional practical thoughts on the 7 principles. 

Bloomfire Blogpost by Dana Youngren on the 5 Ways To Increase Knowledge Sharing In Your Organization 

Additional resources for Systems Thinking in Health and Care systems can be found on the Human Factors Hub on TURAS Learn.

Resources for enhanced significant (learning) event analysis can be found on TURAS Learn. 

View a short video Systems Thinking A new direction in Healthcare Incident Investigation  (3:55)