New Horizons : module 2

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Here you find guidance to pre-reading and preparation for module 2. 

Pre-reading and preparation for module 2

Follow-up from module 1

Ladder of Inference task:

1. Observe yourself in conversations - do you tend to repeat certain patterns, e.g., in similar situations/with the same people?  Are these helpful/hindrance in achieving your intent? What works/needs to change?  Where in the ladder does this happen?

2. Test advocacy/inquiry strategies as appropriate and reflect: Any difference in outcome/the way you feel about the conversation?  Others' behaviour/thoughts/feelings?  How will you know?

Listening Practice:

Working in groups of 3, take turns to discuss a ‘live’ issue that is impacting you at work.  Take turns to be the speaker, listener and observer(s).  Emphasis is on the skills practice - listening, empathy, emotion, asking open questions.  Spend 10 minutes talking about the issue and 5 minutes for feedback:

  • How did your practise go?
  • What did the Listener do well?
  • What could the Listener do differently next time?

Preparation for module

View the Collaborating and Influencing and Motivating and Inspiring eLearning modules and do the self-assessments at the end.

Read Kegan R. and Lahey L. (2001) The Real Reason People Won’t Change. 

Read the Improvement Journey page on the QI zone and watch the animation:

Quality Improvement journey | Turas | Learn (

Module 2 materials and resources

Achieving lasting change: Immunity to Change example (PDF)

Achieving lasting change: Testing change template (Word doc). Adapted from Kegan R. and Lahey L. (2009) Immunity to Change. Harvard Business Press.

Module 2 key learning outcomes


Reflecting on, understanding and developing yourself as a person and as a leader:

  • Demonstrate critical self-reflection and judgement
  • Seek to understand reasons for obstacles and to find ways to overcome

Creativity and innovation

Finding different ways of thinking and doing:

  • Pro-actively share information and learning with colleagues
  • Seek information and ideas from colleagues

Collaboration and influencing

Leading and working together for better outcomes:

  • Choose communication strategies that make own and others' assumptions visible
  • Observe personal impact in interactions with others and adapt behaviour appropriately


Seeing what is possible for people who use services, carers and communities now and in the future:

  • Apply/demonstrate the values of the organisation in all work activities
  • Treat people with respect
  • Seek to understand and respond to people's individual needs
  • Ask good questions to challenge current thinking

Motivating and inspiring

Leading by example and supporting others to be the best they can be:

  • Take responsibility for own behaviour
  • Acknowledge the work and contribution of others
  • Give people clear, sensitive and appropriate feedback in a way that helps them improve and develop
  • Encourage active contribution form a range of stakeholders


Enabling others to develop and use their own leadership capacity:

  • Identify ways to support others in making improvements
  • Apply the principles of knowledge management
  • Encourage people in different departments and organisations to share knowledge and practice
Further resources

More about David Kantor’s theory of Structural Dynamics and its core concept the Four Player Model, a theory of how face to face communication works in human systems:

Video Review for the Lencioni P. (2012)The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable (3:17) 

Leadership Links webinar The Practice of Transformative Innovation by Graham Leicester, Director of International Futures Forum, explores the theory and practice of Trasformative Innovation in health and social care: how to deliberately shift systems over time towards new patterns of viability, fit for a changing world and in tune with our aspirations for the future. 

Tali Sharot (2014) How to motivate yourself to change your behavior. (16:48) Tali Sharot reveals three ingredients to doing what's good for yourself, to make us change our actions. 

NHS Education for Scotland Quality Improvement Zone