SEA guidance and tools

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Guidance and resources to enable healthcare teams to learn from significant healthcare events more effectively and to meet the challenges of providing SEA evidence.

SEA guidance
image of blood pressure equipment

This guidance, produced in conjunction with the National Patient Safety Agency, gives primary care teams a tool to develop a structured and effective SEA process and embed it as an improvement tool within their practice. The guidance defines the process, outlines effective practices, and demonstrates what can be achieved through examples.

This guidance enables primary care teams to conduct an effective Significant Event Audit (SEA) with the aim of improving care for all patients. SEA enables primary care teams to learn from patient safety incidents and ‘near misses’, and to highlight and learn from both strengths and weaknesses in the care they provide.

This information will be particularly relevant to: medical and dental practitioners, practice Managers, pharmacists and nursing and midwifery professionals.

Full Guide

The aim of this document is to provide you with guidance on how to develop a structured and effective SEA process that can be embedded as an improvement tool within your practice. We do this by defining the process, outlining effective practices and demonstrating what can be achieved through real life examples.

Quick Guide

The guidance gives primary care teams a tool to develop a structured and effective SEA process and embed it as an improvement tool within their practice. The guidance defines the process, outlines effective practices and demonstrates what can be achieved through examples. Improving the quality and safety of patient care is a key clinical governance priority in primary healthcare and SEA has an important role in contributing to this aim.

Applying an Enhanced system-based approach to significant event analysis

An article written on applying enhanced systems-based approach to significant event analysis