RRHEAL is part of NHS Education for Scotland, supporting inclusive access and at distance educational engagement. RRHEAL develops educational tools and links to material specifically relevant to teams supporting health and social care for remote, rural and island populations of Scotland.
The Remote and Rural Healthcare Education Alliance (RRHEAL) coordinates healthcare education, development and training for all the remote, rural and island areas of Scotland.
The Remote and Rural Healthcare Educational Alliance (RRHEAL) designs, delivers and advises on remote, rural and island inclusive healthcare education across Scotland.
We support increased access to education and training for multi-disciplinary rural teams using a blend of at distance technology enhanced learning and in person approaches.
We believe that using digital technologies combined with in person learning when required offers the best blend for ongoing learning to support our remote and rural workforce to deliver high quality care.
We work with a range of partners across Scotland and internationally to coordinate remote, rural and island education development, in accordance with the NES Remote and Rural Inclusive Education Policy This includes provision of: