Maternal health

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This section contains educational resources for mixed discipline teams supporting women (and their supporters) in all things maternity within a remote, rural and island setting.

  • RRHEAL in collaboration with Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development/NES have produced an audio visual resource using a scenario in simulation,to capture the recognition and early management of PPH in a woman presenting to a rural...

  • RRHEAL in collaboration with the Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development Programme/NES. An audio visual educational resource has been produced which uses simulation to depict rapid assessment, recognition and early intervention required...

  • The third edition of Midwives and Medicines, authored by Mary Vance (RM, BSc (Hons) Midwifery, PGCert, T.L.T. MPhil Med Law), brings the reader up to date with recent changes to the legislation pertinent to midwives exemptions and non-medical...

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