NHS Nottingham ‘to dip or not to dip’ campaign to improve prevention and correct diagnosis of UTI

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Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Links to the collection of resources that form part of the ‘To Dip or Not to Dip’ campaign to improve prevention and correct diagnosis of UTI.

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Document

Audience: Care at home worker or manager; Care home worker or manager; General practitioner; General practitioner trainee; Midwifery (audience); Midwife; Nursing (audience); Adult nurse; Child health nurse; District nurse; Family nurse; Family nurse supervisor; General practice nurse; Health visitor; Learning disability nurse; Mental health nurse; Occupational health nurse; School nurse; Specialist community public health nurse; Pharmacist

RightsCopyright: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

CC License: Attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives Creative Commons License