Dealing with bereavement in the workplace

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Guidance for health and social care staff on dealing with bereavement experienced in the workplace.

Experiencing the death of a colleague in health or social care: Supporting yourself and those around

This video reflects on the strong relationships that often form within teams, and the far-reaching impact that a person’s death can have. This may not only be felt by their immediate colleagues, but ripples of grief can also be seen across other teams and the wider organisation. The video explores topics such as communicating the news, ways we might react, supporting ourselves and one another, and creating opportunities to share memories of a person who has died.

A transcript of this video can be found here.

A downloadable leaflet which accompanies the video can be found here.

Case Studies

Those of us working in health and social care may come across situations where we experience the death of a patient or colleague. Knowing what to say and do in these situations to provide support to ourselves and others can be challenging and naturally people may feel apprehensive.   

These case study films highlight stories based on real-life experiences of staff working across health and social care in Scotland. They may be used as a tool to enable reflection and discussion. 


Reflective Activity

You may wish to pause and reflect after watching the films. 

Here are some questions to consider in your reflections. 

  • What did you notice about how you felt during the film? 
  • Have you been in a similar situation yourself? If so, do you remember how you responded? 
  • Where or from whom could you seek help in these situations or support afterwards? 
  • How might talking about this situation afterwards impact on how you felt? 




This case study film highlights a story based on a real-life experience of a porter working across health and social care in Scotland.

A transcript of this video can be found here





This case study film highlights a story based on a real-life experience of a nurse working across health and social care in Scotland.

A transcript of this video can be found here





Care at Home Manager

This case study film highlights a story based on a real-life experience of a care at home manager working across health and social care in Scotland.

A transcript of this video can be found here






This case study film highlights a story based on a real-life experience of a consultant working across health and social care in Scotland.

A transcript of this video can be found here




Home Carer

This case study film highlights a story based on a real-life experience of a home carer working across health and social care in Scotland.

A transcript of this video can be found here




Admin Team Leader

This case study film highlights a story based on a real-life experience of an admin team leader working across health and social care in Scotland.

A transcript of this video can be found here




GP Practice Manager

This case study film highlights a story based on a real-life experience of a GP practice manager working across health and social care in Scotland.

A transcript of this video can be found here




The value of listening: a life shared

Brigid Russell talks about her husband, Jim’s death and how it feels for her to live with grief and bereavement.

A transcript of this video can be found here