IMT3 Registrar Ready Course

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

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As a trainee in IM3, having progressed through IM1 and 2, you are invited  to return to the Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors in Forth Valley Royal Hospital, to undertake the ‘registrar ready’ course.  

This course integrates technical and non-technical aspects, where the focus is on patients with complex medical presentations as well as the specific challenges of the ‘medical registrar’ role.  The courses, run between February and May of the IM3 year, involve two days of intensive educational activity provided by skilled faculty from all regions of Scotland.  In a similar way to IM1 boot camp, the IM3 registrar ready course consists of three main strands:

  • immersive simulation covering complex emergency presentations
  • workshops focussing on the skills required to survive (and thrive!) as a medical registrar
  • mastery learning of procedural skills

As a participant you are required to complete the pre-course preparation to facilitate ‘sign off’ of core procedural skills.

This course is available to all Year 3 Internal Medicine Trainees as well as ACCS CT4 trainees in Scotland.

Type: Bookable course

Audience: Medicine (audience)

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