You will be allocated to a Registrar Ready Course by your TPD and this will be available to view using the 'My Learn' menu on Turas Learn, as well as on the Course Booking page which can be accessed via the link below. Please ensure that your email address is up to date on Turas, as booking confirmation will automatically be sent to your registered email.
If your allocated date is unsuitable, you can swap course dates yourself on Turas Learn. You do not require any prior permission to do this. However, please bear in mind that the allocations have been done with care to avoid disproportionate impact on any service, therefore, swaps should only be made if they are essential.
Please personally check that your local rota co-ordinator is aware of your allocated course date. You need to request the day as study leave in the usual way (see below).
Please note that you will only be able to view your booking and swap as necessary once all of the allocated places have been added onto Turas by the administrators. Trainees will be notified when the booking system is live and available for viewing.
Although you will be allocated a course date, you will still need to apply for study leave in the usual way. Please apply for study leave as soon as possible and at least 6 weeks in advance of your allocated registrar ready course.
This course is considered to be essential training and there is local agreement to try to honour the allocated date where possible. Please contact your TPD as soon as possible if you are encountering problems getting study leave.
The funding for all aspects of this course, including course fees, travel, accommodation and subsistence, is in addition to your usual study leave budget and will not impact on other claims over the course of IMT.
Approximately four weeks before your allocated course you will receive an email containing a small number of questions. Completion of the questionnaire should only take a few minutes and this confirms your place on the course, so please complete it as early as possible.
You will not be able to attend the registrar ready course unless the questionnaire has been completed and submitted two weeks beforehand.
If you have not received the email within a fortnight of your allocated date, please check your spam folder before contacting the IMT simulation administrator IMTSimulation@nes.scot.nhs.uk.