Skills development workshop

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Leading for the Future Skills Development Workshop



To enable you to make the most of this programme, it is important for you to complete this pre-work in advance of the skills development workshop:

Review these handouts

If it is your preference to take notes on the slide pack, and to see the full agenda in advance, you can download the slides from the Resources section below in preparation for the Skills development workshop. This is optional and not a requirement.

Optional supplementary material building on themes explored in Skills Development Workshop

In the skills development workshop, we practised core skills for the adaptive learning sets to be effective - which included emotional intelligence, suspending judgement, empathic and generative listening and open and curious questioning. We reflected that these skills are core to being able to lead adaptive change and being an effective leader.

Emotional Intelligence

To discover more, read Daniel Goleman's quote and watch his You Tube video below:

 ‘Emotional intelligence refers to a different way of being smart. EI is a key to high performance, particularly for outstanding leadership. It’s not your IQ, but rather it’s how you manage yourself and your relationships with others’.

Strategies to become more emotionally intelligent  (10.31 minutes) (Daniel Goleman, WOBI, World of Business Ideas)

Powerful questions

To discover more, read The Art of Powerful Questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation and Action by Eric Vogt, Juanita Brown and David Isaacs, 2003, provided on the SPARC BC website (The Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia).

Collaborative dialogue

For ‘an easy-to-use method for creating a living network of collaborative dialogue around questions that matter in service to real work’, which is rooted in conversational leadership, see A Quick Reference Guide to Hosting World Cafe from The World Café Community Foundation, 2015.  

Next steps

Go to Module 2