Leading for the Future Module 2
In preparing for Module 2, please:
Read the following articles and prepare your questions and comments about them:
Watch Ladder of Inference video (5 mins 23 seconds)
Review Ladder of inference – advocacy and inquiry and observe yourself in conversations – do you tend to repeat certain patterns? Are these helpful / a hindrance in achieving your intent? Where in the ladder does this happen? What works / needs to change?
If it is your preference to take notes on the slide pack, and to see the full agenda in advance, you can download the slides from the Resources section below in preparation for Module 2. This is optional and not a requirement.
Here is a 2-minute read on: The work of Keith Grint OR critical, tame and wicked...and so much more, by John Atkinson (undated), Heart of the Art, Leadership, Change and Living Systems.
To expand on leading without formal authority, a clumsy solution, and its associated followership, read:
‘Doing politics differently: How a ‘nerdy Professor’ engaged with the citizens of Calgary’ by Holt, Clare A. (2016) Engaging individuals to be effective collectives : a ganzian analysis of leader/follower relationships in times of challenge. PhD thesis, University of Warwick. Pp 208-219
To help you understand your preference, and what approach you need when, watch Advocacy and inquiry a useful model (2.46 mins) HCC – Corporate Workforce Development
And for a book on the impact of culture in organisations, you can purchase “Organisational Culture and Leadership”, in which Edgar Schein analyses and illustrates the abstract concept of culture and its importance to the management of organisational change. This shows how culture has become a popular concept leading to a wide variety of research and implementation by various organizations and includes some practical concepts for how to deal with international differences.