Module 2

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Learning for the Future Module 2


In preparing for Module 2, please:

Read the following articles and prepare your questions and comments about them:

Watch Ladder of Inference video (5 mins 23 seconds)

Review Ladder of inference – advocacy and inquiry and observe yourself in conversations – do you tend to repeat certain patterns?  Are these helpful / a hindrance in achieving your intent?  Where in the ladder does this happen?  What works / needs to change? 

Optional supplementary material that will build on themes explored in Module 2

Additional (optional) reading around the topics covered in Module 2 include:

1. The impact of culture in organisations

In his book “Organisational Culture and Leadership”, Edgar Schein analyses and illustrates the abstract concept of culture and shows its importance to the management of organisational change. This shows how culture has become a popular concept leading to a wide variety of research and implementation by various organizations and includes some practical concepts for how to deal with international differences.

2. Influencing

If you found the new awareness from the ladder of inference enlightening, then you might want to explore a bit more around this and around your strategies for improving communication. In working on our "wicked" and "adaptive" challenges, many of the difficulties we face relate back to our inner dialogue and how we then balance our advocacy and dialogue in our outer dialogue with others. There are some suggested resources by William Issacs to help you explore more about this in the Dialogos website, including

  • “Accessing Genuine Dialogue”, by William Issacs (The Watercooler, July/August 2012)
  • "Dialogic Leadership", by William Issacs (The SystemsThinker, 1999)
  • “Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together”, by William Issacs (Doubleday, 1999)


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