Ask, Tell Respond: What is Mental Health?

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NHS Education for Scotland (NES); Public Health Scotland (PHS); Speakeasy

Ask, Tell Respond: What is Mental Health? - identify ways in which you can support good mental health in children and young people and recognise the signs of mental ill health. Positive experiences, relationships and a sense of belonging are all important in building resilience and good mental health in children and young people. It is important to look behind behaviours be, curious and ask why

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Video

Audience: Ambulance services (audience); Business and administration (audience); Clinical healthcare support workers (audience); Community and social care (audience); Dentistry (audience); Estates and facilities (audience); General audience; Healthcare science (audience); Medicine (audience); Nursing, midwifery and allied health professions (audience); Optometry (audience); Pharmacy (audience); Psychology (audience)