ScIL Cohort 27
By April 2022, the number of patients discharged by 2pm from a medical ward in an acute hospital will be increased from 30% to 50% every week
Reduce the number of Do Not Attends (DNAs) to AAA clinics from 30% to 15% across Wales first appointment Clinics by September 2021
To reduce the Over 100% delayed Outpatients Follow Up Waiting List position in Swansea Bay University Health Board’s (SBUHB) Gastroenterology service by 15% by March 2020 from an April 2019 baseline – this was a Welsh Government given target for...
Increase the number of Public Health Wales employees within microbiology, who will have been vaccinated against Influenza during the 2020/21 flu season from 65% in 2019 to 75% (target set by the Welsh Government) by the 31 January 2021.
By April 2021, 80% of patients directly booked into a weekly Tuesday morning respiratory video clinic attend their appointment in Carmarthenshire.
- Reduce proportion of daily workload in Regional Hub devoted to uncontactable Flags from approx. 40% to <20% by end July 2021.
To improve electronic recording (Datix) of restrictive practices in use with adults with learning disability who are inpatients at an eight bedded NHS assessment and treatment unit from 32% to 90% by September 2021.
To reduce the time taken from suspicion of neonatal jaundice in the community to transfer for phototherapy in secondary care by 10% (UHW) by September 2021
We aim to Increase the utilisation* of the Falls Response Service Team within the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board from 57% (December 2020) by at least 10% by December 2021. *Utilisation % is derived from a Time Vehicle is Allocated to an...
To support the introduction of a Same Day Emergency Care Unit at Prince Philip Hospital, with an ambition of accepting up to 30% of patients from the acute medical take by March 2022, the aim of this project is to ensure the SDEC are achieving a...
To reduce the number of hospital admissions from those supported by the Emergency Care Team from 42 per month to 20 per month by Dec 2021.
This project is working to reduce the proportion of women who need an in-patient procedure to under 5% - consistent with the advice of national professional bodies.
Between April and September 2021 increase the number of members of Cardiff People First who have a health communication tool from 25% to 50%
The project will introduce a standardised Virtual Visiting Service increasing the number of virtual visits delivered to 80 per week on 42 Wards by October 2021
To increase representation from family/carers of children and young people with a learning disability that attend the All Wales Community of Practice: children and young people with learning disability from 11% to 15% by December 2021.
By December 2021, at least 50% of staff who attend PocEd QI will practice a QI tool / approach outside the learning environment.
By the end of October 2021 the percentage of Improvement Cymru staff using the ImproveWell app, in particular the Good Day Measure will increase from 5% to 50% (to track workforce morale).
Establish a reliable YGC Microbiology in-lab turnaround time of ≤12hrs for 80% of Covid samples by 30th September 2021.