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This dedicated site hosts information to update the progression of the current Scottish Government Commission with NES regarding Medical Associate Professions (MAPs). It is aimed at healthcare professionals, workforce planners, those interested in a career in healthcare in Scotland, in the field of healthcare education.

Medical Associate Professions (MAPs) Commission

Definition of the roles in scope for this Commission 

blue box showing words Physician Associate


Medically trained, generalist healthcare professionals, who work alongside doctors and provide medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team. Physician Associates are dependent practitioners working with a dedicated medical supervisor but are able to work autonomously with appropriate support. (Faculty of Physician Associates)

blue box showing words Anaesthesia Associate


Anaesthesia Associates are highly trained, skilled practitioners that work within an anaesthetic team under the direction and supervision of a Consultant Anaesthetist. (Royal College of Anaesthetists)

blue box showing words Surgical Care Practitioner


Registered non-medical healthcare professionals who have extended the scope of their practice by completing an accredited training programme. They work as members of the surgical team and perform surgical interventions and pre-operative and post-operative care under the supervision of a senior surgeon. (Royal College of Surgeons of England)


Context paper about the Medical Associate Professions (MAPs) Commission

MAP roles support NHS Scotland Boards to deliver flexible and resilient workforce plans. They will contribute to the increased clinical capacity required by the NHS Recovery Plan published in August 2021 by enabling the right workforce in place at the right timeBelow are some examples of how these roles are deployed.

Faculty of Physician Associates - quality health care across the NHS (

Anaesthesia Associates | The Royal College of Anaesthetists ( 

Surgical Care Practitioner — Royal College of Surgeons (   Faculty of Perioperative Care - Royal College of Surgeons                

Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs) were initially included in the Scottish Government MAPs Commission, however following agreement by Health Education England (now NHS England Workforce, Training & Education (NHSE WTE) and Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM), ACCPs now align with the Centre for Advancing Practice HEE and FICM joint statement. Information on ACCP careers 


Latest News and Updates

GMC continues preparation for regulation of PAs and AAs

Consultation on the proposed rules, standards and guidance for regulation of PAs and AAs closed in May 2024. Analysis of the responses is in progress and GMC anticipates publication of a formal report by autumn 2024.  

On 5th June GMC published  An update preparing for regulation of physician associates and anaesthesia associates - GMC ( The Registrar and Chief Executive, Charlie Massey states ‘I have provided an update on our approach to regulation and next steps. I’ve also summarised some key points for our existing guidance to assist you in your own work.

Medical Associate Professions (MAPs) Commission formal response

The NES Medical Associate Professions commission report submitted to Scottish Government is now available to read. 

For ease a shortened version showing the executive summary and recommendations is available. 

GMC has collated responses to some frequently asked questions regarding Physician Associate and Anaesthesia Associate roles

More information on PAs and AAs provided by GMC regarding PA and AA

Get in touch
blue box showing white text with email address Medical Associate Professions

This dedicated news page will share progress of the Scottish Government Commission’s development including opportunities to engage. Please get in touch with us for further information and involvement at: