Preparation for GMC Regulation of Physician Associate and Anaesthesia Associate roles
General Medical Council (GMC) has published new standards for future PAs and AAs (September 2022), including generic and shared learning outcomes. GMC states that “This document will apply to Physician Associates (PA) and Anaesthesia Associates (AA) once they are subject to regulation by the GMC” PA and AA generic and shared learning outcomes - GMC (
The Faculty of Physician Associates (FPARCP) has subsequently launched the draft curriculum which aligns with the GMC learning outcomes. FPA says "The curriculum will support higher education institutions (HEIs) in the creation of PA programmes".
The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) has worked in collaboration with others to develop a new curriculum for AA, to align with GMC learning outcomes and detail is available on Becoming an anaesthesia associate | The Royal College of Anaesthetists (