Involving people and their families when things go wrong in health and care

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Current guidance suggests health and care providers explain the incident, offer an apology, and a commitment to prevent recurrence.

Being open (duty of candour)

Compassionate communications skills training course


Being open (duty of candour)

Scotland is committed to a person-centred approach within its health and social services. This includes a duty of candour towards service users and families. This means being open and honest, telling people the truth when something goes wrong. Typical of service users and families, who are involved in safety incidents or make complaints about services is the stated intent that they “don’t want anyone else to go through what they have experienced”. Inherent in this sentiment is the desire that services learn from feedback, safety incidents, complaints and near misses where unnecessary harm is caused (or could have been) when interacting with health care services.

Duty of Candour training pack available at this link

Involving people and families

There is growing recognition among health care providers and policy makers that when things go wrong, a complaint or near miss, the person involved or their families should be heard and participate in the review process. Guidance on how best to involve people and families in a caring and compassionate manner is set out in APICCTHS model co-created with people who have experienced and adverse event in healthcare (see below). 

Read about what matters to the person and their families 

In the following films 

Roseanna talks about the importance of apology and serious adverse event review.

Roseanna's story

Fred talks about his son Adam and shares his experience of a serious adverse event review.  Here is Adam's story.

Adam's story part 1

Adam's story part 2

Compassionate communications skills training course

Applications Open: Compassionate Communication Skills Training Programme Cohort 9 (22nd, 23RD, 29TH & 30TH April 2025 participants must be able to attend all dates)  

Are you involved in adverse event reviews? Interested in the use of compassionate communication skills to involve people and families in the review process? Our workshops focus on empathy and compassion to re-dress the power imbalance by putting people and their families at the heart of the review. 

Join us for Cohort 9 of compassionate communication skills recruitment is now open! 

For more information, application form please email

Below is the evaluation report covering the first 4 cohorts.


APICCTHS model (guidance on including the person and their family)




Apology, person-centred, inclusive, communication, closing the loop, timing, heart of review, support for staff (APICCTHS)




Here are 3 short animations providing more information on the APICCTHS model.

APICCTHS video 1

APICCTHS video 2

APICCTHS video 3