Find out about the important new features and functionality that have been released for Turas Vaccination Management in Ocotber 2021.
Release, 786, Version 2021.10.20.2
The Records Manager user role now has the functionality to enable them to Assign a CHI Number for patients without a CHI number where:
Note: Whilst the term Assign a CHI Number is used the process in the background is deleting the patient vaccination record without a CHI number and creating a new vaccination record with a CHI number. This mimics the current manual process performed by Record Managers.
The ‘Assign a CHI number to this Patient’ feature is accessed from the Actions panel on the Patient Details page.
The ‘Assign a CHI number to this Patient’ process employs a wizard style approach, with 2 steps;
For further guidance please refer to the User Guide
Release, 770, Version 2021.10.1.1
In the following tables:
Elapsed time greater than 28 days will display as weeks and days.