Organisation/Strategic Lead

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Information on what is expected of the Organisation/Strategic Lead role

About the Organisation/Strategic Lead role
Strategic Lead icon

Organisations have an important role in integrating the principles of preceptorship within their operational systems and processes.’

It is good practice, and recommended, that each organisation has a named individual with professional responsibility for preceptorship.  This will ensure that all levels within the organisation have a commitment to ensure preceptorship is implemented and evaluated, allowing operational issues to be addressed and resolved.

Role and Responsibility
  • Ensure that an appropriate evidence-based preceptorship model is in place for preceptees

  • Ensure a process in place to identify staff who require preceptorship.

  • Ensure that the organisational preceptorship programme is implemented in line with the requirements of the Scottish preceptorship framework.

  • Ensure that a process in place to support the maintenance of a register of preceptors. The register of preceptors may be held centrally by the named person with responsibility for preceptorship, or locally by Charge Nurses/Midwives and Community Team Leaders.

  • Link with the organisational lead for Flying Start®NHS to support newly qualified nurses and midwives.

  • Identify appropriate levels of support for preceptors, including initial training (Facilitation of Learning programme recommended).

  • Ensure a system in place to monitor and track completion of the preceptorship programme.

  • Ensure the  preceptorship programme is operating within the NMC Principles of Preceptorship and organisational policy.

  • Ensure a process in place to measure the effectiveness and impact of the preceptorship programmes. - both short and long term, utilising a quality improvement approach