This section contains a range of information and resources to support the health and social care sector provide remote consulting as part of routine business as usual service delivery.
The additional resource section, includes helpful videos, websites and useful reading material.
These learning resources support learning around remote consulting enabling greater access and more flexibility to health and care services and information.
Find out how easy Near Me is to use with this step by step patient video guide helping practitioners to support people to use Near Me.
Watch this short animation to see how organisations can use Near Me to deliver services differently.
Watch this quick tour around resources to learn about Near Me and how to use it.
To find out more, please click Near Me YouTube video channel
Find out about Near Me, including how to get an account, technical implementation, troubleshooting and more, go to the Near Me Resource Centre.
The NHS Scotland National Video Conferencing Service provides support for the use of the Near Me (Attend Anywhere) platform, providing technical support, guidance and training.
For information on the benefits of using Near Me to support members of the public, including how to make a test call, accessibility and information leaflets in different languages find out more, go to the Near Me website.
Near Me is Scotland’s national video consulting service that uses the Attend Anywhere platform. To find out more about the national Near Me programme, please click Scottish Government's Near Me Programme.
To find out how the housing sector is using Near Me to support housing organisations and their customer, go to the Technology Enabled Care in Housing website.
Near Me newsletters:
Find out how Allied Health Professions (AHPs) deliver services through the use of Near Me and other digital tools in practice webinars.
The Digital Health and Care learning site provides access to learning resources to improve knowledge and skills in the use of digital across health and social care.
Visit the Health Literacy learning site for resources to support positive health literacy across health and social care.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement Telemedicine: Ensuring Safe, Equitable, Person Centered Virtual Care (IHI, 2021) white paper describes a framework to guide health and care organisations to provide safe, equitable and person-centered healthcare through telecommunications technology.
The Guidance for practice based learning placements using Near Me (Scot Gov, 2021) document is intended for trainers and trainees. Its purpose is to support trainees in all clinical settings to participate in placements and remote clinical consultations using Near Me.
The Medical Schools Council Students attending remote consultations (MSC, 2020) document provides advice to medical schools and students supporting student’s involvement in remote consultations to gain necessary clinical experience and prepare them for their future working lives.
The Royal College of General Practitioners Remote versus face-to-face: which to use and when? (RCGP, 2020) guide offers an approach to support clinicians when choosing a consultation method.
The British Journal of General Practice Video consultations: A guide for practice (BJGP, 2020) document has useful and practical advice and tips to help doctors and other primary care clinicians with video consultations.